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Puffery, Shock Ads, Subliminal Advertising, Weasel Claim

Puffery, Shock Ads, Subliminal Advertising, Weasel Claim Puffery In everyday speech, puffery means giving too much or false praise. In the legal world, puffery is...

Ethics and Laws in Advertising

Ethics and Laws in Advertising According to the Oxford English Dictionary, ethics is a set of moral rules that everyone should follow. And advertising is...

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

Cognitive Dissonance Theory Cognitive dissonance often feels like an inner battle: you believe one thing but act in a way that goes against that belief,...

Means-end Theory, Visual verbal imaging

Means-end Theory, Visual verbal imaging Motivation What the study is based on is the means-end theory of decision-making. This idea has been used by...

Hierarchy effects Model

This marketing model is meant to show how a consumer goes from not knowing about a brand to developing feelings and knowledge about that...

AIDA Model

You may have been affected by a technique called "AIDA" if an advertisement ever made you want to do something. AIDA stands for "Attention,...

Stimulus Response Theory

Stimulus Response Theory The stimulus-response model is the first thing you need to know to understand how buyers act. The buyer is affected by marketing...

National Advertising

National Advertising When you hear the term "national advertising," you should know that it doesn't just mean advertising in one area of the country....

Classified advertisement

Classified advertisement Classified advertisement is a short ad or message that is printed in newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals. Usually, these messages are put together...

Industrial Advertising

Industrial Advertising Business to Business advertising is the most common term for this type of advertising. In this type of advertising, one company usually promotes...

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