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Strategic Evaluation and Control


Strategic Evaluation and Control

Evaluation and control of the strategy are just as vital as the design of the plan. It gives insight on how efficient and successful the comprehensive plans were in reaching the goals that were sought.

Evaluation and management of strategic initiatives: the role of organisational systems Evaluation of strategic initiatives takes place within the framework of a variety of organisational structures. An organisation will build a number of different systems, each of which will assist in integrating different aspects of the company.

The information system, the planning system, the motivation system, the assessment system, and the development system are the most important organisational systems. Every one of these organisational systems contributes something unique to the process of strategic review and management. Some of these systems are immediately and tightly connected to assessment and control, while others are only connected to it in a roundabout way. The following organisational systems could be significant in relation to the function that organisational systems play in the process of strategic review and control.

  1. Information System

Evaluation and control action is guided by adequate informa­tion from the beginning to the end. Management information and management control systems are closely interrelated which the information system is designed on the basis of control system. Every manager in the organization must have adequate information about his performance, standards and how he is contributing to the achievement of organizational objectives. There must be a system of information tailored to the specific management needs at every level, both in terms of adequacy and timeliness.

  1. Planning System

Planning is the basis for control in the sense that it provides the entire spectrum on which control function is based. In fact, these two terms are often used together in the designation of the department which carries production planning, scheduling and routing. It emphasizes that there is a plan which directs the behavior and activities in the organization. Control measures these behavior and activities and suggests measures to remove deviation. Thus, there is a reciprocal relationship between planning and control.

  1. Motivation System

Motivation system is not only related to evaluation and control system but to the entire organizational processes. Lack of motivation on the part of managers is a significant barrier in the process of evaluation and control. Since the basic objective of evaluation and control is to ensure that organizational objectives are achieved. Motivation plays a central role in this process. It energizes managers and other employees in the organization to perform better which is the key for organizational success.

  1. Appraisal System

Appraisal or performance appraisal system involves systematic evaluation of the individual with regard to his performance on the job and his potential for development. While evaluating an individual, not only his performance is taken into consideration but also his abilities and potential for better performance. Thus, appraisal system provides feedback for control system about how individuals are performing.

5. Development System

Development system is concerned with developing personnel to perform better in their present positions and likely future positions that they are expected to occupy. Thus, development system aims at increasing organizational capability through people to achieve better results. These results become the basic for evaluation and control. Role of organizational systems in strategic evaluation should not be undermined.

Techniques of strategic evaluation & control

The strategic management process’ sixth stage is strategy review and control. According to what we have read, a well-executed strategy guarantees the fulfilment of the aims and objectives of the firm. However, alterations to an organization’s internal and external environment could prevent the company from achieving its targeted goals and objectives. At any point throughout the execution of a plan, the environment may change.

After assessing outcomes, strategy assessment and control will not aid in taking remedial measures. It should be done early on in the execution of the strategy to determine if it is being executed effectively or not and to carry out mid-course adjustments as needed. Therefore, the process of implementing a strategy should be consistently reviewed, assessed, and controlled by strategists.



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