Home BMS Role of different elements of ads: Logo, Company signature, Slogan, Tagline, Jingles,...

Role of different elements of ads: Logo, Company signature, Slogan, Tagline, Jingles, illustrations – BMS Notes


Role of different elements of ads: Logo, Company signature, Slogan, Tagline, Jingles, illustrations etc.

Obtaining the rights to use logos in advertisements is challenging due to the notable impact of such use. Examples are the globally recognised brands McDonald’s and Subway. The primary means of identification for these companies is their logos. If you would want to know why the logo is so crucial for advertising purposes, please read the following:

Builds Credibility and Corporate Identity Since your logo is already well known and trusted as a representation of your company, using it in advertising increases consumer identification and confidence. When employing their emblem in advertising, a number of well-known firms get more benefits than others that choose not to. In other words, increasing the level of trustworthiness will result in more sales and money.

increases awareness of a brand Utilizing logos in advertising is crucial to increasing a company’s or brand’s visibility on a worldwide scale. Placing your brand mark on all promotional materials can strengthen its reach and increase its visibility to an increasing number of prospective clients. This will lead to more revenue for your company since you have already established a reputable brand identity via various advertising initiatives.

facilitates communication with consumers On a personal level, using your brand in the commercials makes it easier for consumers to identify with the kind of product, the standing of the brand, and the element of trust. One of your best tools for getting customers to react favourably is to use logos to convey dependability. Displaying your work won’t have the same impact as using the logo. The straightforward reasoning is that customers would purchase more from you if they can connect to you, and your logo is a tool that highlights your company’s qualities and trustworthiness.

While advertising is the means of reaching the public in this cutthroat industry, a logo is what gives it distinction. Numerous businesses provide comparable products, and your company’s online and physical presence is determined by the brand mark you choose.

Signature of the company


Ad slogans are catchy words that are used in marketing efforts to attract attention and establish a company’s unified brand. The terms may be used to highlight a unique selling point of a product or to support a business’s brand.

useful catchphrases

  • A marketing slogan may influence how competing businesses interact with one another. Typically, a useful slogan is:
  • outlines the advantages of the product (or brand) for consumers (or potential buyer)
  • implies a difference with constrained items from other companies.
  • Makes a clear, relevant, succinct, and uncomplicated message.
  • has a particular “personality” or is clever.
  • provides a reliable image of a product or brand
  • generates a demand or desire in the customer, or causes them to feel a certain way
  • It sticks on your mind and is difficult to forget.
  • In order to market goods or services, businesses use sloganeering to convey to their target audience the benefits of their offerings. It’s a commercial strategy to draw in clients.


In the entertainment industry, a tagline, also often called “tag line,” is a brief passage intended to provide a dramatic impact or to explain a point. Many tagline slogans are just repeated words and phrases connected to a person, organisation, or good. Taglines are a kind of branding phrase that may be used to advertisements and marketing collateral.

The goal of the notion is to either improve and bolster the audience’s recollection of a literary work or to craft a striking dramatic phrase that will encapsulate the tone and idea of an audiovisual production. Certain taglines are so popular that they should be used in popular culture. Consulting firms that specialise in crafting catchy taglines might be engaged to come up with one for a product or business.

Taglines as opposed to headlines

Because information is only provided with one or the other, the tagline and headline may sometimes be mistaken with one another. In essence, the information and the headline are connected; as the information changes, the headline is replaced with a new one. Since the tagline is associated with the entertainment element, it may be seen on every product or manufacturer documentation. It is connected to the work rather than the idea of a particular occasion. The statement is probably a tagline if it appears as a major component next to a logo.

Useful taglines

Occasionally, a tagline serves as an additional means of advertising for a movie or television show. It’s a descriptive subtitle that appears beside the main title on posters or the CD/DVD cover of music and video content. Taglines are crucial to the marketing of movies and television shows because they may entice viewers. Taglines are a kind of advertising phrase that are becoming more and more common in the advertising industry. For instance, this is the slogan for the Star Wars film series:

“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…” is the tagline for Star Wars.

Effect: It happened in the distant past in a galaxy far, far away.


An unforgettable jingle is one of the best ways to reinforce a marketing message. A catchy jingle may help your audience associate your brand name with an idea, campaign, or concept—whether they like it or not. While there may be a lively techno rhythm playing in the background, listeners who see your radio advertising will definitely notice your catchy jingle. A listener will quickly connect your jingle with your advertising the next time they see a sign or advertisement for your company, increasing the possibility that they will select you the next time they need you.

Jingles Are Simple to Recall

A good jingle is distinctive, enjoyable, and most of all, unforgettable. While running a radio or TV advertisement is a terrific method to reach a wider audience, it’s easy for your message to be lost in the deluge of information that most people are exposed to in a short amount of time. It is much simpler for listeners to remember you and what makes your business special when you have a jingle that includes your phone number, company name, or other distinguishing characteristics. A well-crafted jingle is memorable and imaginative, emphasising the information you want your audience to retain above all else.

Jingles Assist in Clearly Defining Your Offer

A jingle, like the majority of successful marketing strategies, should highlight the advantages you have over the competition. A catchy jingle may draw attention to your business and make it more memorable. Choose one that fits your brand. In addition to being ingrained in listeners’ minds, a catchy jingle highlights the distinctive qualities of your business. A memorable jingle will stick in the minds of prospective clients long after they hear it for the first time.

Jingles Draw in Audiences

Jingles accomplish two very important goals: they increase brand recognition and leave a lasting impression on listeners. They also draw in business. A catchy, distinctive, and memorable jingle may establish a connection with the listener and elicit an emotional response from her about your company, goods, and services. With a few easy song lines, you may simply build a new client base when your jingle is catchy and contains important information that people want to know.

Jingles are a time-tested advertising strategy that have numerous benefits for marketers who are prepared to give them a try. Jingles are a straightforward, time-tested type of promotion that connect your company with an informational source and provide potential consumers an engaging approach to discover more about what you have to offer. The correct jingle may make all the difference in the world to your advertising campaign, regardless of whether it’s short and sweet or a bit longer and more educational.


One should never undervalue the importance of illustrations in advertising campaigns. Anyone involved in the advertising business understands the power of images and graphics to capture and persuade potential customers. Though thoughts and copies are important, all other efforts would be in useless if the proper pictures are not used.

The clever use of eye-catching graphics is responsible for the marketing success of many projects. Many of them also met with harsh failure as a result of improper or careless graphic design. Visual pictures are the first thing that have the power to draw in attention and leave an impression on a potential consumer. This is essential to get him to read your content and the advantages of your product or service. The only way to turn him into a client is to force him to see the advertising. Therefore, professionals with professional training are required to create illustrations for advertising.

underlying some of the well acknowledged significance of illustrations in advertising.

accuracy in the use of illustrations

Illustrations are a useful tool for drawing attention to your brand, business, or product. Therefore, it is essential that the visuals match the campaign’s concept; they shouldn’t seem strange or be at odds with the mood or style. The images may be detrimental and drive away viewers if they don’t mesh well with the overall design. The goal will not be achieved and the message will not be conveyed. Graphic design firms have exacting standards when it comes to precision.

Analysis of the target audience

It is important to consider who you are targeting with a marketing. Only after researching the characteristics, inclinations, and expectations of the prospects can the initiative be planned and graphics used. Age, gender, place of residence, financial potential, intellectual capacity, and any other pertinent information should be taken into account. By guaranteeing complete accuracy and clarity, our artwork services enable you to concentrate intently on the intended audience and enhance the effectiveness of the design.

Text and illustrations in harmony

Of course, pictures speak louder than words. However, the advertising material should have the ideal ratio of text to graphics in order to have the most effect. Excessive textual content or very detailed illustrations only serve to confuse and annoy clients. It is important to ensure that the visuals complement the text and are visually appealing. The campaign’s effectiveness should be increased by both the quantity and quality of the content. To effectively and aesthetically communicate the message, writing has to be precise, imaginative, and clear. The majority of businesses contract out their product illustration work to reputable graphic design firms, whose teams of copywriters and artists create stunning final products.

Reaction to feedback: Before launching the campaign to a real audience, you should continue to be flexible in reaction to how members of your team and people in your industry respond. Be willing to make any necessary changes to the advertising after receiving feedback. By doing this, you can improve the campaign’s efficacy and ensure that any text and image errors are fixed before it launches



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