Home BMS Process of Collective Bargaining - BMS Notes

Process of Collective Bargaining – BMS Notes

Process of Collective Bargaining

A method for achieving a mutually beneficial agreement between the employer and the employee is collective bargaining. In this meeting, the union and employer’s representatives talk about financial matters such pay, bonuses, the amount of hours worked, and other conditions of employment.

Both the employer and the employee pursue the five processes of collective bargaining in order to arrive at a mutually agreeable resolution.

Preparation: The talks that will take place at the conference are first prepared by the representatives of each side. Every member need to be sufficiently informed about the labour regulations and well-versed in the topics that will be discussed during the meeting.

The management should have the necessary statistical data on hand to support its position, as well as well-prepared suggestions for changes to the employment conditions.

However, the union has to compile sufficient data on the company’s financial standing and its capacity to pay, as well as create a thorough report on the concerns and goals of the employees.

Discuss: In this phase, the parties agree on the ground rules that will govern the talks, with the management team’s main negotiator taking the lead in the conversation. At this point, the concerns are also specified for why the meeting is being convened. The problems may be with pay, additional financial advantages (health insurance, paid time off, pension plans), institutional problems (rights and obligations, ESOP plan), or administrative problems (health and safety, technological changes, job security, working conditions).

At this point in the negotiation process, the lead negotiator makes an opening statement before the parties make their first requests. This meeting might be referred to as a brainstorming session when everyone shares their ideas, which sparks debates and counterarguments.

Bargain: At this point in the discussion, both parties are attempting to outshine the other. Days may pass throughout the bargaining process before a final agreement is achieved. Occasionally, both sides quickly come to a mutually agreeable resolution, but other times, a third party enters the negotiating process in the form of arbitration or adjudication.

Settlement: At this point in the collective bargaining process, all parties have reached a consensus on a shared solution to the issue that has been raised so far. As a result, in order to provide the choice broad acceptability, the employer and employee come to a mutual agreement that must be signed by both sides.

Therefore, in order to resolve the conflict, management must adhere to these procedures methodically and provide employees an equal opportunity to voice their opinions..