Home BMS Major Areas of Information Technology Applications in Management - BMS NOTES

Major Areas of Information Technology Applications in Management – BMS NOTES

Major Areas of Information Technology Applications in Management

More technological innovation leads to the creation of new enterprises. Technology saves the day by simplifying things as business grows. The two have a symbiotic relationship that guarantees their continued coexistence.

Since the beginning of time, businesses have existed. If history books are to be believed, it may have started out as nothing more than barter commerce, but it has since evolved into something much more sophisticated, and none of that would have been possible without technology. If information technology were to abruptly disappear from organisations, it would bring down the world’s key industries. This is due to the fact that most commercial activities and transactions in the twenty-first century cannot be completed without technology.

The Use of Technology in Business

Technology has led to a boom in trade and commerce over time. Technology has altered many conventional business methods and concepts. We were able to approach our work from a different angle and observe things from a different angle thanks to technology. Additionally, technology has increased our efficiency in doing business.

Technology is essential to business in a number of areas, such as point-of-sale systems, managerial applications of ICT, accounting systems, and other intricate facets of daily operations. Technology even produced something as basic as the calculator, which was revolutionary in its day. It is difficult to envisage returning to manual task performance. It would transport us back roughly a century.

Technology as a Safety and Support System

We can automate a lot of activities with the help of technology, which boosts our productivity. This is made feasible by the fact that it allows us to use less resources, which in turn allows us to service even more clients while simultaneously improving quality at a lower cost and speed of delivery.

Additionally, technology makes it simple to store more data while preserving its integrity. We are more adept at protecting private and sensitive data from data breaches by storing it in an efficient manner. The data is instantaneously accessible when needed, and it may be examined to anticipate future developments in addition to examining historical patterns. Consequently, this can facilitate the process of making decisions.

Technology as a Global Link: Business involves communication. Thus, business is a web of intricate processes that interact with one another due to processes and transportation. Business activities can now be conducted globally thanks to technology. Nowadays, almost everyone can conduct business from any room in their home.

Businesses now have the ability to reach a larger global audience thanks to technology. The World Wide Web and the internet are the best examples of this. Due to its ability to draw clients from all over the world, the internet has become an essential component of any marketing strategy for businesses.

When technology and business are properly combined, life itself becomes worthwhile. But it would be naive not to acknowledge that technology poses other risks to business. These include malevolent actions taken by groups and individuals, such hacking. It is crucial that organisations utilise accountability while utilising technology for commercial purposes because of this. Technology has many positive aspects, but there are drawbacks as well that need to be addressed. Nevertheless, it is something that is valuable despite all of the baggage, and we must accept it and use it wisely to improve our businesses.

What Impact Does IT Have on Businesses?

The Industrial Revolution transformed the economic landscape by doubling productivity and streamlining numerous procedures. But for the next century, the commercial world stayed mostly unchanged. However, with the advent of technology and its application in business, things underwent even more drastic changes than they did during the Industrial Revolution, and it’s safe to say that nothing will ever be the same. Technology is changing and adapting at an exponential rate, and whether a firm is prepared for this or not, it is being washed away by the tsunami. Although it may not seem like we’ve come a long way, consider that just five years ago there was no consumerism on social media, no corporate usage of mobile phones, no cloud-based solutions, no App Generation, and just nascent omni-channel marketing.

Technology has significantly altered every facet of business, and this has never happened so quickly in recorded history. Here are some particular ways that information technology has impacted business:

The Development of Mobile Fixes

Many people believe that mobility will be the next big thing in business. This is reflected in Google’s algorithms, which give preference to mobile webpages. You may manage your firm with just a tablet or smartphone, covering every facet. You have control over everything from content marketing to sales to customer service to back-end operations like shipping and billing.

However, mobile solutions address consumers as well as enterprises. The millennial generation finds local companies on their phones, shares their experiences with peers, and does a lot of shopping and selling on them.

The Cloud Computing Phenomena

Businesses can now use the internet to outsource a large number of their internal operations to third parties thanks to cloud computing. In addition to making variable data packages manageable, it enables businesses to grow quickly and adopt mobility without worrying about issues like crashes, outages, and lost data. Because of this, small and medium-sized enterprises now have access to resources that would have been extremely expensive for them just a few years ago. The playing field has been levelled, in effect.

Enhanced Segmentation of Customers

With the increasing flow of data, it is now much simpler to evaluate and obtain profound understanding of the items that consumers are interested in. Businesses may now segment their prospects into even more focused groups thanks to the growing analytics services, which make it easier to target customers and receive more for their advertising dollars. A Google account, for example, can tell a business about a user’s location, the type of browser they use, how they found a website, what they do there, how long they are likely to stay, and when they decide to leave. Businesses can tighten their segmentation even further with the help of even more sophisticated analytics services, which will significantly increase conversions.

Enhanced Interconnectivity

People may now stay in touch more easily thanks to technology. Communication may now take on a new degree of hyper-realism thanks to mobile technology and the ongoing innovation in the field, whether you’re sending email blasts to leads or wanting to video chat with your coworkers and employees.

Reducing Expenses while Raising Utility

What is known as a “buyer’s market” is made feasible by two key factors working together. These are the fact that the gear and software required to create the required software solutions are now more reasonably priced, and the reality that an increasing number of tech-savvy entrepreneurs are using these technologies on a daily basis. It used to take a major corporation a year or more to develop a back-end inventory system. These days, it only takes a few recent college grads a few weeks to construct the same thing. Businesses do not need to invest a lot of money in the solutions because they are readily available at a reasonable cost and are very user-friendly, which has simplified operations.

A Shifting Customer Mix

Now that they have reached adulthood, millennials are the ones propelling the contemporary economy. Millennials will make up more than half of the labour force in America in the near future, and they will also soon reach their peak wealth, which will leave them with plenty of spare income and little financial commitments. They are more numerous than baby boomers and have far more disposable income. They’re all also about getting satisfaction right now. They have grown up with internet access as well. They are prepared to spend, tech-savvy, and connected. If companies want to succeed, they must adjust to this new clientele.

A Greater Awareness of Business’s Social Impact

These days, you can’t just assume that your company runs in a vacuum. The world has become smaller as a result of social networking, allowing people to connect with each other regardless of their identities, origins, or level of wealth. A few years ago, merely providing mediocre customer service would have sufficed. If you want to avoid negative reviews on review sites and angry users ranting about your service on social media, you now need to work extra hard. As a result, companies must improve their digital footprint and exercise caution when it comes to their online reputation.

The Termination of Intervals

In actuality, this is a drawback of technology. People these days have less and less time to themselves due to increased connectivity. Given that most people continue to work while on vacation, vacations appear to have virtually disappeared. It is getting harder and harder to simply unplug and unwind because we can always access our social media, emails, and texts on our phones and laptops.

Why Is Information Technology Important to an Organization?

It might be a little difficult to fathom the importance of information technology to an organisation if you’re not an IT professional. However, there are numerous ways in which information technology is crucial to an organisation.


The business world changed forever when computers were introduced onto the scene. Businesses can utilise information technology through the use of computers and different software to run their operations in a smoother fashion. They use it in different departments, including finance, manufacturing, human resources, and security.


Education is one of the frontiers of technology and is growing with technology every day. It’s important that education be able to keep up with the progress happening in technology by reaching students in a way that adequately helps them to prepare for the future. The students in our classrooms today are meant to be the thought leaders, business people, teachers, and investors of tomorrow, so technology should be used to prepare them. This includes the use of gadgets in teaching, such as computers, mobile phones, and tablets, as well as the use of the internet as a medium of learning.


With an increasing number of transactions happening online, it is important that financial and security institutions work together to make the internet a safe place. As more transactions are done on the internet, there will be a need for more networks and greater security, making it possible for banks to keep purchases and sales secure.

Health\sWith improvements in information technology, it is becoming easier to reform the health sector. Medical offices are now able to share medical information with each other, and they can get your health data from your previous doctors. This makes it possible for timely care to be delivered, as well as for costs to be reduced.


With an increasing number of transactions being done online, there is an ever-increasing need for safety. Information technology is what makes it possible to keep your data and information safe and only accessible by you. Through the use of encryption and passwords, your digital data is safely hidden away and can only be accessed by those who have your permission.

How Can I use Technology to Work More Efficiently?

As a business owner, you’re probably wondering how you can use technology to its maximum potential for your business.

First, use technology to integrate communication within your organisation. Let your employees be on the same page with each other, using such things as collaboration platforms and social media to keep everyone updated about what is going on in the business and where it is headed. That way, they will be in sync with the goals of the business, and their productivity will be significantly improved.

You can also use technology to improve the service you deliver to your customers, by enabling them to give you feedback on your products and services, as well as suggestions on what you can improve.

With improving security standards, you could also do away with passwords altogether and try biometric security systems, which do not require you to remember a dozen passwords at once.