Home BMS Lifestyle Advertising – BMS Notes

Lifestyle Advertising – BMS Notes


Lifestyle Advertising

A lifestyle is a way of living based on a collection of pursuits, ideas, attitudes, views, and other traits that distinguish one group of individuals or culture from another.

People’s lifestyles give their lives meaning and purpose and determine who they are, how they see themselves, or who they desire to be.

Applying lifestyle marketing to marketing means that a company connects with and embraces the values, aspirations, ideas, and aesthetics that appeal to their target audience.

By doing this, lifestyle businesses foster the perception that utilising their goods or being connected to them brings consumers one step closer to leading the kind of lives they desire.

Advertising in a Customer-centric World presents the concept of Lifestyle Advertising, which enables advertisers to react to customer feedback continuously and interactively through various channels, such as social networks, blogs, user-review forums, online discussion boards, and chat rooms.

As per the report, if put into practise, it has the potential to impact brand discussions, propel consumer buying patterns, and generate revenue from continuous customer connections.

PricewaterhouseCoopers lists the following three guidelines for lifestyle advertising:

Be pertinent.

In order to develop tactics that work, marketers need to have a thorough understanding of the issues that matter to their clients.

Talk to them.

Because it integrates interactions at the brand and product levels into a single consumer experience, converged media redefines engagement.

Establish trust.

In order to establish trust with customers, businesses need to listen to what customers have to say and act accordingly. This requires sincere and transparent efforts.

But take note: If you’re thinking about going down the lifestyle advertising route, you’ll need to make major organisational adjustments as well as new media techniques. In particular, pay attention to the market. You must see your audience as individual customers rather than as a group of customers or a portfolio of demographic profiles.

Adjust and React. You must be more risk-aware, flexible in the moment, and open to new ideas if you want to fully realise the promise of lifestyle advertising and make money from it. You have to plan according to the ongoing discussions in which you take part.

Customers can now speak with you directly and discuss you with others. Consumers have the ability to directly influence brands, products, and services if they participate in an international forum. Anything people choose not to watch or interact with can be skipped, ignored, or avoided. The media distribution networks and programming that depend on advertising revenue may be significantly impacted by this newfound consumer empowerment



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