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Leadership Teams and Roles – BMS Notes

Leadership Teams and Roles

A leadership team is a group of two or more people who lead organizations that represent diverse roles, regions, or specialisations, and who are dedicated to working together to jointly accomplish a major corporate goal for which they both accept shared accountability. These executives are by definition senior vice presidents, heads of departments or divisions, managers of business units, leaders of brands, or members of executive committees. They have been invited to join and collaborate in order to contribute value beyond what they and their respective companies, which are functional or regional leaders, deliver.

A Successful Leadership Group

Many members of leadership teams understand that leading their own functional or cross-functional teams requires a distinct set of abilities than being a successful member of a leadership team.

Members of the leadership team often have a predisposition to argue if there is conflict between their functional or geographic leadership role and their duty as team members. These disagreements arise for a number of reasons:

Agendas and objectives set by the leadership team may be superseded by personal or functional agendas or goals.

The team members’ individual demands for autonomy, authority, or control take precedence over their requirements for cooperation, inclusion, and trust.

Budgetary or pie-related issues take precedence over enterprise-wide strategic considerations.

Team members could compete with one another for the position of team leader.

However, your team will function well if these three requirements are met:

dedication to responsibility

It’s critical to have the leadership team committed to a shared vision and a set of targets that they will all work together to achieve. These objectives serve as the leadership team’s focal point and offer them a feeling of purpose and identity—that is, the reason they are a team. When good things happen, team members are eager and able to celebrate each other’s accomplishments. When bad things happen, they can rapidly see the difficulties and divergences and approach problem-solving rather than assigning blame.

a trusting team culture

The atmosphere in which high-performing leadership teams work must reflect the two most crucial elements of team trust: empathy and credibility (the capacity to make choices, accomplish goals, keep commitments, own up to errors, and proactively address problems) (an ability to listen and understand, be nonjudgmental, and be concerned and supportive of each other). It is even more important for members of a leadership team to consistently demonstrate their capacity to provide and receive trust from one another, since they may one day challenge each other for the role of leader.

Emotionally astute team leadership conduct

To enhance their overall performance, a leadership team’s capacity to set norms and prioritise essential leadership practises governs how members should interact with one another. Open and courteous communication and debate among high-achieving leadership teams is a hallmark of deliberate problem-solving.

Roles of Leadership

Being a leader is not an easy job, regardless of the exact responsibilities of your position. Not only must you attend to the demands of your own team members and workers, but also those of your supervisors and the clients you are developing and providing services for. In other words, you have to wear many hats and serve many different people.

Everybody has a unique philosophy, approach, and manner of leading their team or firm and carrying out their vision. But in order to perform successfully, advance, and realise their own and the company’s vision, outstanding leaders must constantly occupy certain responsibilities.


Creating a strategy for your business and the work you and your team members do is part of your job as a leader. One of your duties will be to set clear objectives for your business and decide what actions you and your staff members must take to achieve those objectives. It is essential that you determine the metrics that will be used to assess the accomplishment of your objectives and strategies. Establish your definition of success up front:

Would you want to see more sales?

Do you want to make your procedures more efficient?

Do you have any specific departments, products, or areas that you would want to see improved?

You may improve your plan and the actions you will take to reach your goals by defining success. Clearly state which metrics work best for assessing certain objectives. Which kind of data are you going to produce? How can you gauge your efforts with it?


Effective communication is essential for leaders in organisations as well as for each employee, regardless of their professional status. You must be able to explain your ideas to management, the general public, and your staff. You will also interact with others on a frequent basis; even a brief email, a phone chat, or jogging or attending a meeting are examples of communication. One of the most crucial abilities a leader may possess is good communication, whether they are new managers sharing corporate strategies, executing organisational transformation, or just conveying daily processes and expectations.


Even while it is undoubtedly true, having excellent talents in your field did not propel you to the top. You also got there thanks to your inventiveness. Effective leaders consistently generate new ideas rather to merely carrying out tasks in the same manner as before or stepping aside and letting “followers” handle the duties. Failure is an inevitable part of the creative process, therefore not every idea you have will succeed. Change must occur for a firm to prosper and expand, and you should be the one to spearhead that change.


While leaders undoubtedly enjoy a certain amount of attention, good managers also offer their staff members the opportunity to flourish. As a team leader or business leader, you have an obligation to support your staff members as they develop and succeed in their positions. This entails delivering guidance, acknowledging achievement even if it isn’t your own, and providing constructive criticism when you see a talent or activity they can improve on. It also entails giving them praise when they accomplish something really well.


This one is closely related to coach. A leader ought not to attempt to accomplish everything. Knowing your own limits and recognising when someone else might complete a task or project more effectively than you are are signs of a competent worker. You’ll also realise that others must learn since managing a successful company requires a large team, and even while you may already be an expert in a certain area, you still need to allow others the opportunity to advance their own careers.


There are sometimes glitches and roadblocks in management. All leadership roles need for a certain amount of adaptability. You must have the ability to recognise when a plan isn’t working out as you had hoped or expected and adjust course as needed. Although it’s not pleasant to acknowledge failure, acknowledging when something isn’t working out is a necessary aspect of being a leader.

Additionally, you must adjust to shifting surroundings. A business may sometimes be forced to adjust to changing market trends. For example, emerging technologies are altering how all sectors carry out their job, and as a leader in your field, you must ensure that your business stays up to date with developments. It is not desirable to be the one falling behind.


Always, always, always networking. It is an essential part of the lives of every professional, but leaders much more so. You could represent your organisation as its face, depending on your exact leadership role and responsibilities. If this is the case, or even if you’re not in the top positions, you must consistently advocate for your business and its principles. Networking is crucial for both the expansion of your business and your personal development.