Home BMS Introduction, Meaning, Essentials of Public Relations

Introduction, Meaning, Essentials of Public Relations

Introduction, Meaning, Essentials of Public Relations

Introduction, Meaning, Essentials of Public Relations: The practice of maintaining a healthy relationship between organization and its public/employees/stakeholders/investors/partners is called public relations. Public relation activities ensure the correct flow of information between the organization and its public also called its target audience. Public relations go a long way in maintaining the brand image of an organization in the eyes of its audience, stake holders, investors and all others who are associated with it.

Public relation is an important element in the promotion mix. In the era of globalization, the most of the multinational companies make concrete efforts to manage and maintain its relationships with its customers. Most of the multinational companies have its public relation department that makes all effort to monitor the attitude and perceptions of customers.

For schools, the target audience would be students and their parents/guardians, for retailers the target audience would be customers and so on.

In the above examples, Public Relations ensures a smooth two-way communication between the school authorities and its target audiences (students and their parents). Retailers must address their customers well for a positive word of mouth and a strong brand positioning. It is really important to create a positive image of any particular brand in the minds of consumers for it do well. Public relations experts not only help in the flow of information from the organization to its public but also from the public to the organization.

The flow of information from the public to the organization is generally in the form of reviews, feedback(positive/negative), appreciation and so on. Public relations strengthen the relationship between the organization and its target audience, employees, stakeholders, investors etc.

“The art and social science of analysing trends, predicting their consequences, counselling organisational leaders and implementing planned programme of action which will serve both the organisation and the public interest.” -Public Association Relations

“A strategic management function that adds value to an organisation by helping it to manage its reputation.” :The Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

Introduction, Meaning, Essentials of Public Relations

(1) Press relations: To put information about organization in a very positive way.

(2) Publicity of Product: It can be done by publicising the events to make publicity of Products.

(3) Effective Communication: It is necessary to create and promote understanding of the organisation. It can be obtained through internal and external communication.

(4) To Promote Lobbying: It necessary to deal with legislators or government as to encourage or discourage a particular legislation or regulation.

(5) Counselling: It is to advice the management about public issues, position of the company and image during the good and bad times.

Necessity of Public Relations:

(i) Effective public relations can win people to a certain cause or a programme. Public relations can motivate people to buy a certain product or service.

(ii) Good public relations attract the right type of people to the organisation as its employees.

(iii) It can encourage investment from the public.

(iv) Public relations are needed for getting right policy and good performance appreciated.

(v) Money spent on public relations is a good investment.

Essentials of Good Public Relations:

(i) Public Relations (PR) man should have a thorough knowledge of the organisation. He should also be well versed in PR techniques.

(ii) PR man must have confidence of the management.

(iii) Well-thought-out public relations programme must be drown up on a long-term basis, keeping in view the corporate objectives of the organisation.

(iv) Use of all techniques be adopted such as house journals, manuals, hand-books, adver­tising, display and exhibits, motion pictures and slider, meetings, conducted tours, posters, brochures, play-cards, stickers, outdoor signs etc.

(v) PR men have to keep the confidence of news media, press, radio and T.V. by provid­ing correct and timely information’s.