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Functions of Advertising


Functions of Advertising

In this day and age of mass production and tough market competition, advertising has become an important part of marketing.

There is advertising on the Internet, on network TV, in daily newspapers, and on billboards along the roads. Advertisements sell goods, services, and ideas, helping businesses get people to buy their goods. Print ads are quickly being replaced by internet ads because they are easier to use, cheaper, and easier to get to more people.

The following things are done by it:

How to Find Brands and Products

Businesses sell goods, services, and ideas. What makes them different is their brand identities. The public learns about a brand’s identity through advertising. Because of advertising, people form emotional bonds with certain brands as they become more familiar with them over time.

Getting information to customers

Consumers get the information they need from advertising to know what’s out there and where to buy it. Through a number of media channels, it spreads news about goods, services, and ideas that are sold on the open market. It shows what features are being sold, what colour and size the item is, and which stores sell it.

Getting people to buy something

Advertising presentations that are strong and visually appealing make people want to buy products, services, and ideas in order to feel good. The main goal of advertising is to persuade. Advertisements tell you how the thing, service, or idea you’re thinking about will make your life better. A book called “The Social and Cultural Effects of Advertising” by Jeremiah O’Sullivan R says that advertising feeds on ideas like religion, sexual attraction, ideology, and myth.

O’Sullivan says that advertising adds pictures and ideas to goods and services, just like goods and services add meanings to pictures and ideas.

Looking Ahead to New Trends

People want to get new products, services, and ideas because they don’t want to miss out on the fun when previews talk about how great they are. People can learn about new markets and trends through advertising. To get new customers and get current customers to try new things, they offer coupons, rebates, and free trials of new products, services, or ideas. Advertisers give people sneak peeks of new or better products, services, and ideas to get their attention because people like to know about the newest trends.

Advertisers use previewing of new trends to take advantage of people’s desire to “keep up with the Joneses” by having the newest and best product, service, or idea.

Making people want a product

A report from “Reference for Business” says that advertising, public relations, and sales promotions “pull” goods and services through the channels of distribution. Advertising’s most powerful tool is creating demand for certain goods, services, and ideas by focusing on campaigns that reach people who are most likely to buy them. Products, services, and ideas are sold in large quantities based on what people want.

Getting more customers

People are more likely to stick with a product, service, or idea if the ads are consistently good. Advertising tries to keep customers by giving them more information about the benefits of brands that makes them more likely to buy them. Advertising’s goal is to make and keep connections with customers, prospects, retailers, and other important people.

Putting up competitive prices

Advertising shows consumer goods at prices that are competitive with the current market. This teaches people how much things should cost. Advertising tells you what the competition is doing, when the next sale is, and how to get the newest coupon or rebate. It also tries to make you feel like you are getting the most for your money.



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