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Execution styles of presenting ads


Execution styles of presenting ads

Sometimes it’s just as crucial to know how to say something as it is to know what to say. Depending on your message and your target audience, the “how,” also known as the creative execution style, will change significantly. Consider which approach will be most successful in attracting the target audience. Here are eight strategies to think about:

Direct Sale

The simplest and most typical sort of execution is this one. You describe the product to your consumer, highlight its best features, and back them up with supporting data. Although this easy advertising approach is straightforward, it may not be enough to distinguish your good or service from the competition.

Technical or Scientific Evidence

It’s sad that a lot of people presume your goods has been inflated or exaggerated in some manner. To combat this, you may cite scientific research or get approval from a scientific organisation to back up your assertions. Technical items or those with ambiguous advantages benefit greatly from this.

Slap Chop Demonstration KH 8408A Eight Strategies for Using Advertising to Sell a Message

Occasionally, demonstrating your product in use is the finest approach to demonstrate its dependability and high calibre. Consider late-night commercials for products like ShamWow or Slap Chop. These goods were so successful because they convinced their target market of their worth.


Comparison takes demonstration a step further. Here, you contrast your offering with that of your closest rival. You’ve seen several advertisements claiming that a certain detergent or towel is much superior than its closest rival. Although Coke isn’t specifically mentioned in the Pepsi commercial above, the red and white soda can makes a strong suggestion that it is. Also observe that the advertisement focuses on straightforward images rather than facts and data to make comparisons.

Testimonial Trevor Linden 01 Main Eight Strategies for Promoting a Message

A testimonial is one of the oldest and most effective forms of promotion. An individual’s good experiences with your product and how it changed their life are described in a testimonial. The effectiveness of a testimonial increases with the reliability of the source. As a result, many celebrities are in high demand due to their significant impact.

Cut of Life

A slice-of-life style dramatises daily living to demonstrate how simple it would be for customers to incorporate your new product into their lives. For foods, beverages, and cleaning goods, this is often done. Slice-of-life advertisements are one of the most overused (and, to be honest, dull) genres, but they are simple to make and don’t cost a lot of money to shoot. If you wish to accomplish something similar, you should think of an intriguing variation to make it stand out more.

Characteristic Symbol

Eight Strategies for Using Advertising to Sell a Message

This entails developing a character or mascot that is intimately connected to your company and appeals to your audience. Consider characters like the Energizer Bunny, Pillsbury Doughboy, and Ronald McDonald.

Making a personality sign that people remember could be harder than it seems. A badly designed mascot will become obnoxious and fast get forgotten. To identify something that appeals to your target audience, do a tonne of testing using focus groups and polls.


Similar to the slice-of-life illustration but with a stronger emphasis on excitement and motion. Although dramatisation is often far more entertaining to watch, there is a chance that viewers could get so engrossed in the action that they will overlook the original product being promoted!

Which one ought I to employ?

You are not required to use one of these methods consistently. You are able to mix and match components from various designs to fit your campaign. You must take into account your product, your brand’s reputation, the platform, your target market, and the message you want to convey to them.



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