Home BMS Creating Radio commercial: Words, Sounds, Music – BMS Notes

Creating Radio commercial: Words, Sounds, Music – BMS Notes


Creating Radio commercial: Words, Sounds, Music – BMS Notes

  • The newscaster, station announcer, or presenter speaks during a live advertisement.
  • The host reads your script in this instance. Alternatively, they might talk about your good or service when they speak on their programmes.
  • Conversely, though:
  • Prerecorded ads have been produced in the past, which includes sound effects, mixing, editing, and recording.
  • Staff members at the station may handle this internally or contract it out to another company.
  • The majority of radio advertisements these days last 30 or 60 seconds. However, some radio ads last for 15, 10, or 5 seconds.
  • What is the word count of a 30-second advertisement? Simple, simply look at this table:
  • Absence of words
  • Seconds
  • 25 10\s35 15\s40-75 30\s125-140 60

Sounds and Music for Radio Ad

The music, background noises (like foley), or special effects you use must all work together to portray the tone and atmosphere of your ad if there are no pictures to depend on. This meticulous attention to detail may be the difference between disappearing into the background and grabbing the listener’s attention.

If your business offers vacation packages, for example, consider how your target market can be drawn in by the annoying sound of an ice scraper on a vehicle windshield, particularly when combined with the sound of ice cubes clinking in a cool drink and the sound of waves breaking in the distance.

Your Voiceover for an Audio Ad Establishes an Emotional Bond

Casting directors often remark that they “just know” when they hear the appropriate voice during an audition process.

This may seem like an oversimplification of the casting process, but it makes sense when you take into account how crucial an emotional connection is to drawing in viewers. The mere act of hearing something may frequently evoke strong emotions in us. We just know that the performance resonated on a visceral level, so we don’t need to consider “why” we responded the way we did.

  • It’s likely that your viewers will halt and pay attention if the voiceover has made you do so.
  • How to Make Successful Audio Commercials
  • Make Your Audio Ad Easy to Understand
  • If one crucial takeaway from your advertisement was retained by your audience, what would it be?

Concentrate your efforts on bringing home one key point.

It’s probable that listeners are multitasking when they hear your audio advertisement—whether they’re driving, doing the dishes, or going for a run, their attention is already split. Reduce the amount of information your audience needs to recall in order to create a memorable advertisement. Your message has to be very clear since a typical Spotify or Pandora audio ad typically lasts 30 seconds or less.

Cut to the Value Proposition of Your Audio Ad as Soon as You Can

Always start your paragraph with the most crucial details.

This relates directly to the previous discussion of focusing on your main takeaway. Now that you are clear on what you want your audience to take away from your speech, go right to the point and use the remaining time to emphasise that point.

Your audience is more likely to remember your message if they hear it more than once, even if you feel like you’re repeating yourself!

Recognize the Differences Between Radio and Audio Advertising

While both audio advertising and radio commercials need some basic features—like well-written scripts and excellent voice over casting—other aspects are distinct.

For example, it’s unlikely that the listener is in your area, therefore you’ll need to think about a larger audience.

The listener is also much more mobile. People are often exposed to traditional radio in their cars, homes, or workplaces. On the other hand, listeners may access internet radio from any location as long as they have a device that is connected.

Your Audio Ad Should Have a Conversational Tone Voiceovers Can Be Very Effective

As Dale Carnegie so eloquently noted in his timeless book, “How To Win Friends and Influence People,” people like to listen to amiable individuals who talk intelligibly and informally. This is more true now than it has ever been, as personable voice over readings rule the commercial landscape.

You may provide voice over performers who are auditioning creative guidance by posting your voice over job for your audio advertisement. This involves giving them a nice and conversational read.

Slower Voiceover Delivery Establishes a Bond with the Audience

It might be simple to forget that the voice actor has a certain amount of time to do the whole read when drafting a voice over script. Your audio advertisement shouldn’t include the hurried banter that follows disclaimer clauses, like the ones that conclude prescription medicine commercials!

Use minimal text when you want your advertisement to be conversational. Conversations flow much more slowly by nature than radio or television advertisements.

Give the listener enough time to process what they just heard and decide what to do.

Excessive background music might be annoying.

While background music shouldn’t always be turned off, you should think about how loud it is in relation to the voice over, which should be heard clearly.

Regarding background music, consider obtaining a licence from a music provider.

You may pick from literally hundreds of songs online, so you’re likely to discover one that both complements the voice talent’s performing style and symbolises your business.

Make a seamless transition for the audience.

You don’t listen to an audio advertisement by itself. You must have a crisp beginning and conclusion to your advertisement since it will be placed in between music, interviews, and other audio material.

Prolonged gaps at the start of your advertisement will create the impression that there is nothing there. For the same reason, stay away from extended fade-outs at the conclusion of your advertisement.

Use your imagination! This audience is astute.

Make Your Request for Action Particular

It’s crucial to include a call-to-action (CTA) that is as precise as feasible. Provide instructions to listeners on how and where to learn more about your service to increase traffic to your website or social media pages. Make sure your audience knows exactly what actions you want them to do next. To promote deals in podcasts, you may even go one step further and give them a unique landing page, URL, or code (use the promo code “PodcastListener” in the checkout basket, for example). In this manner, you may monitor the effectiveness of your audio advertisement.

Capture Your Audio Commercial

After writing your script, the audio advertisement has to be recorded. Before you continue, be sure you read our guide on recording an audio advertisement!

Examples of Pandora and Spotify advertisements

You now have the foundation to create a fantastic web audio advertisement. But maybe you could get your teeth stuck into some actual instances. Here are a few of the top Spotify and Pandora advertisements:




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