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Components of environment and Environmental analysis

Components of environment and Environmental analysis The process of looking at every internal and external factor that affects an organization's success is known as environmental...

Strategic Intent

Strategic Intent Strategic Intent can be understood as the philosophical base of strategic management process. It implies the purpose, which an organization endeavors of achieving....

Strategic Business Unit

Strategic Business Unit Strategic Business Unit (SBU) implies an independently managed division of a large company, having its own vision, mission and objectives, whose planning is...

Process and Level of Strategy

Process and Level of Strategy Strategic management process has following five steps: Mission and Goals The first step in the strategic management begins with senior managers...

Meaning of Strategic Management

Meaning of Strategic Management Strategic management is the way an organisation uses its resources to reach its goals. Setting goals, analysing the competitive environment, analysing...

BMS Notes

Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) 1st SEMESTER SUBJECTS   Introduction to Financial Accounts (Updated)VIEWBusiness Law (Updated)VIEWBusiness Statistics (Not Updated)VIEWBusiness Communication I (Updated)VIEWFoundation of Human Skills (Updated)VIEWBusiness Economics I (Updated)VIEW 2nd SEMESTER SUBJECTS Principles of Marketing (Updated)VIEWIndustrial Law (Updated)VIEWBusiness Mathematics (No Update)VIEWBusiness...

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