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Advertising Creative Process, Creative Strategy Development, Advertising campaign

Advertising Creative Process, Creative Strategy Development, Advertising campaign Advertising creativity does not occur in a vacuum. Originality and creativity that is productive are beneficial in...

Advertisement Creativity Introduction and importance

Advertisement Creativity Introduction and importance One of the words that appears the most often in advertisements is definitely "creativity." Creative professionals are those that create...

Monitoring the Debtors Techniques

Monitoring the Debtors Techniques 1. Ratio Analysis for Control of Receivables: The analysis of receivables can be done with the help of ratios given below for...

Method of credit evaluation

Method of credit evaluation Credit Analysis Credit analysis is a process of drawing conclusions from available data (both quantitative and qualitative) regarding the credit worthiness of an...

Credit policy Variables

Credit policy Variables Credit criteria, credit periods, cash discounts, and collection efforts are four crucial aspects of a company's credit policy that should not be...

Receivables Management Meaning and Importance

Receivables Management Meaning and Importance The amount that is owing to a firm as a consequence of the company delivering products and/or services to customers...

Estimation of requirements in case of Trading and Manufacturing Organizations

Estimation of requirements in case of Trading and Manufacturing Organizations The two components of working capital are current assets and current liabilities. The estimation of...

Working Capital

Working Capital In an ordinary sense, working capital denotes the amount of funds needed for meeting day-to-day operations of a concern. This is related to short-term...

Debt Service Ratio

Debt Service Ratio The capacity of a firm to meet all of its debt commitments, including the repayment of principal and interest on both short-term...

Dividend payout Ratio

Dividend payout Ratio The Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) is the amount of dividends paid to shareholders in relation to the total amount of net income the...

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