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Scripting the commercial

Scripting the commercial Simplicity: The secret of radio is to have a single, overarching concept. Do not overwhelm the listener with copy points. Use well-known...

Creating Radio commercial

Creating Radio commercial A live commercial is spoken by the presenter, station announcer, or newscaster. Here the presenter reads your script. Or they can discuss your service...

Creating the TV commercial

Creating the TV commercial Visual Techniques The conscious use of color is the first example. This technique is used every single time, in every kind of...

Role of different elements of ads

Role of different elements of ads Logo It is challenging to get ad logo rights since the impact of employing logos in advertisements is astounding. Examples...

Execution styles of presenting ads

Execution styles of presenting ads Sometimes it's just as crucial to know how to say something as it is to know what to say. Depending...

Role of source in ads and celebrities as source in Indian ads

Role of source in ads and celebrities as source in Indian ads Celebrity branding, also known as celebrity endorsement, is a type of advertising campaign...

Persuasion and Types of Advertising appeal

Persuasion and Types of Advertising appeal Persuasion Technique The Carrot and The Stick The Scarcity Principle One Message Per Advertisement Write In the Second Person ...

Market Positioning

Market Positioning Positioning has evolved to refer to the process through which marketers attempt to build an image or identity for their product, brand, or...

Introduction to USP

Introduction to USP An innovative offer made to consumers that persuaded them to switch brands is known as a unique selling proposition (USP) or unique...

Determining the message theme major selling ideas

Determining the message theme major selling ideas Today every company needs to advertise its product to inform the customers about the product, increase the sales,...

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