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Brand image


Brand image

The consumers’ present perception of a brand is known as its brand image. It may be characterised as a particular collection of associations held by the target audience. It indicates the current values that the brand upholds. It is a collection of opinions people have regarding a certain brand. In a nutshell, it is nothing more than how customers see the product. It refers to how a particular brand is positioned inside the marketplace. Brand image is more than simply a mental picture; it also communicates emotional worth.

Brand image is nothing more than the personality of a company. It is the result of several interactions and observations made by those outside of an organisation. It should make clear to everyone an organization’s goal and vision. The distinctive logo that reflects the organization’s image, the tagline that succinctly summarises the organization’s business, and the brand identifier that supports the essential values are the major components of a good brand image.

A brand’s image is the total perception that arises from all of its influences in the minds of customers. Consumers connect the brand with a variety of connotations. These linkages serve as the foundation for brand image. Based on the customers’ subjective views of the brand’s association bundle, a picture of the brand is created. Volvo has a reputation for being safe. Toyota is known for its dependability.

The concept behind brand image is that when a customer buys a product or service, they are also buying the image that goes along with it. Brand images have to be favourable, distinctive, and immediate. Brand communications such as packaging, word-of-mouth marketing, advertising, and other promotional tools, etc. may help to enhance brand perceptions.

Brand image creates and communicates the product’s personality in a distinctive way that differs from the images of its rivals. In the minds of customers, a variety of advantages, qualities, and traits are associated with the brand. The practical and mental associations that consumers have with a brand are known as brand characteristics. They may be conceptual or particular.

The justification for the buying choice is the benefits. There are three categories of advantages: functional advantages What do you accomplish better (than others), how do you make me feel better (than others), and why should I trust you on the basis of reasonable grounds (more than others). Brand characteristics are how customers perceive a brand overall.

Brand image does not need to be produced; it develops on its own. The brand image of a product encompasses its attractiveness, use, functionality, notoriety, and total worth. In reality, brand content is brand image. Customers buy the goods and its reputation at the same time. Consumers’ emotional and objective reactions to a brand when they buy a product are known as brand image. surpassing the expectations of the consumer is a positive brand image. A strong brand image improves an organization’s reputation and brand value.

“Brand image” is the customer’s net extract from the brand.

Brand image Dimension
Brand identity is composed of various shares that trigger particular responses in consumers in addition to filling the afore-mentioned functions. These shares build on one another; the more shares a brand has, the stronger and more positive the relationship with consumers.


At the very lowest level, mind share must be created in the consumer consciousness (cognitive level). This means that, as a complex perceptual and conceptual construct, the brand evokes an internal neural representation in the minds of consumers, leaving behind certain brand impressions.


This refers to the emotional relationship a consumer should develop with a brand. Heart share is less a matter of a product’s functional utility and more a matter of its symbolic attributes. The buyer of a Ferrari, for instance, will not develop an affection for the car based purely on functional attributes, but rather as a result of the values associated with the brand and the brand environment it operates in.

Buying intentions

Brand identity must trigger a buying intention share in consumers. After all, despite the importance of a brand’s mind and heart share, it only makes sense for a supplier to invest in brand identity if consumers will also want to buy the brand.


Brand identity contributes to self share, which means that the brand functions as a manifestation of the self, a tangible expression of self-image within the social environment. In this context, brands serve self-expression and self-design purposes, differentiating the individual within the social group. Brands can easily serve similar ends in the realm of business-to-business, where they bolster self-image in terms of a company and its functions.


Here, the brand shares in the existential search for meaning conducted by a consumer in a world enlightened to the point of meaning-lessness and takes on a virtually religious character. This aspect sheds light on the cultural-sociological proposition that brand management is worshiping the customer.

Brands allow consumers to achieve social position or status, to partake of cultural expression, to create mythology and shape meaning, and as a result, to weave themselves into the social and metaphysical fabric of the world. In this context, a loyal customer is a member of a community and an individual loyal to that community not just a customer who makes repeat purchases. A brand is a tool for building a sense of community and belonging, for building the community itself.



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