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AIDA Model


AIDA Model

If you have ever been moved to take any kind of action as a result of seeing an advertising, it is quite possible that you have been affected by a strategy that is referred to be “AIDA.” AIDA is an acronym that stands for “Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action,” and it’s a tried-and-true procedure that marketers use to convince prospective customers to make a purchase or perform the action that they want them to do. This method is often used in several types of advertising vehicles, such as online copy, direct mail pieces, and television advertisements.

During the process of purchasing a product or service, a person passes through a series of cognitive processes that are categorised under the AIDA Model. It is structured like a funnel, with purchasers moving back and forth between each step in order to get assistance in making the ultimate purchase.

Because of social media, it is no longer only a connection between the buyer and the corporation; rather, it has expanded to include attaining the many objectives of AIDA through information supplied by other consumers via social networks and communities. This was formerly a one-sided interaction.


The attention element of the marketing message comes at the beginning of the communication and is intended to provide the prospects with a cause to pay attention. The presentation of a stunning fact or statistic that highlights an issue that can be handled by the product or service is one typical approach of grabbing attention.

This may be done to draw attention to a problem that can be solved by the product or service. Other approaches include exploiting the element of surprise or asking a question that makes the listener think deeply about the topic. A design that is shockingly exquisite, colours that are too bright, or startling motion are all examples of aspects that may be effective attention-getters. The objective is to provide the prospective customers with a reason why they should continue their research.


Initial attention-grabbers are effective for one or two seconds, but your prospective consumer needs a reason to remain engaged in order for the conversation to continue. After you get the attention of the potential customers, the following stage is to keep their interest in the product or service you are offering.

Describe to the people who will be receiving the message how the issue that was brought to your notice in the previous phase is having a negative impact on their life. The receivers may find it easier to identify with the issue and become more motivated to actively look for potential solutions to the problem if the issue is shown or demonstrated to them. By using examples from your own life, you’re bringing the issue more directly into focus for the audience.


At this point in the sales process, your goal is to demonstrate to potential customers how your product or service can address a challenge they are facing. Provide an explanation of the characteristics of the product or service as well as the advantages associated with those features, and then illustrate how the benefits meet the need. The “before and after” approach is a typical method used in advertising.

One example of this is when a filthy object is made to seem brand new by using a cleaning solution. The promise of a better life (better health, greater money, better romance) is a tactic that is often used by advertisers as a method of maintaining the interest of potential customers. If everything went according to plan, the potential customers should now be motivated to make a purchase.


The last phase in the process is to convince the potential customers to make a purchase right away after you have already succeeded in arousing their interest in making a buy. This is the point in the one-on-one sales process at which you should make the request for the sale. In the field of advertising, one strategy involves generating a feeling of urgency by extending an offer for a short time or offering a bonus in the form of an unique present to those who act within a particular time period.

Those who do so are eligible for the bonus or gift. Prospective clients are provided with a straightforward and simple next step toward completing a purchase when a phone number, website, or digital button is given to them to contact, visit, or click on respectively. If you don’t provide a clear call to action, the potential customer can overlook your offer and go on to something else.



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