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AIDA Model


You may have been affected by a technique called “AIDA” if an advertisement ever made you want to do something. AIDA stands for “Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.” Marketers use this tried-and-true method to get potential customers to buy something or do something they want them to do. This technique is often used in advertising materials like TV commercials, website copy, and direct mail.

The AIDA Model shows the different stages of thought that a person goes through when they are buying a product or service. At each stage, buyers go back and forth through the funnel, which helps them make the final purchase.

The buyer and the company no longer have a one-way relationship; social media has made it possible for other customers to add information through social networks and communities, which helps AIDA reach its different goals.


The first part of the marketing message is meant to get people’s attention and give them a reason to pay attention. One common way to get people’s attention is to use a shocking fact or statistic that points out a problem that the product or service can solve. You can also use the element of surprise or ask a question that makes them think. Things that you see, like a design that is surprisingly elegant, bright colours, or sudden motion, can also be good at getting your attention. You want to give the prospects a reason to want to find out more.


Attention-getters work for a short time, but your potential customer needs a reason to keep reading. The next step is to keep prospects interested in your product or service after you’ve got their attention. Tell the people you’re writing to how the problem you found in the attention step is making their lives worse. Giving an example or demonstration can help people better understand the problem and want to look for ways to solve it. You’re making the problem more real by making it about you.


During the desire stage, you need to show prospects how your product or service can improve their lives. Describe the product or service’s features and how they meet a need. Show how the benefits meet the need. The “before and after” method is often used in advertising, like when a cleaning product makes something dirty look brand new. Advertisers often use the idea of a better life (better health, better money, better love) to keep people who might buy something interested. Once everything has been done right, the prospects should want to buy.


The last thing you need to do is convince the prospects to act right away, once you’ve made them want to buy. This is the time to ask for the sale in a one-on-one sales situation. In advertising, techniques include making people feel like they need to act quickly by offering a deal for a limited time or giving a bonus or special gift to people who act within a certain amount of time. People who want to buy something can easily take the next step by being given a phone number, a website to visit, or a digital button to click. The prospect might forget about your offer and move on if you don’t give them a clear reason to act.



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