Home BMS Advantage and Disadvantage of Firewall – BMS NOTES

Advantage and Disadvantage of Firewall – BMS NOTES


Advantage and Disadvantage of Firewall

Firewall Benefits: Monitoring Traffic

A firewall’s primary duty is to keep an eye on the traffic that flows through it. Any kind of data that is sent via a network is represented by packets. Every one of these packets is examined by the firewall for potential dangers. In the unlikely event that the firewall discovers them, it will stop them right away.

defense against Trojans

Trojans are a particularly harmful kind of malware for users. Sitting quietly on your computer, a Trojan monitors everything you do on it. They will send any data they collect to a web server. It goes without saying that you won’t become aware of them until your machine starts acting strangely. In this case, a firewall will stop Trojans right away before they can harm your system.

Stop hackers

Cybercriminals are always searching the internet for machines to use for their illicit operations. In the event that hackers discover these machines, they will begin to carry out even more sinister tasks, including disseminating malware. In addition to such hackers, there may be unidentified individuals searching for an open internet connection, including neighbors. Therefore, having firewall protection is a smart idea to avoid such invasions.

Control of Access

An access policy that may be applied to specific hosts and services is included with firewalls. Attackers may be able to take advantage of certain hosts. Thus, preventing such hosts from accessing the system is the best course of action. This access restriction may be applied if a user thinks that they need protection against this kind of unauthorized access.

Increased Privacy

One of a user’s main concerns is privacy. Hackers are always searching for private information to get user insights. However, many of the services provided by a website, including the domain name service and the finger, may be disabled by employing a firewall. Thus, there is no possibility for the hackers to get personal information. Firewalls may also prevent the site system’s DNS information from being accessible. As a result, the attackers won’t be able to see the names or IP address.

Cost Drawbacks for Firewalls

Depending on the kind, firewalls do need an investment. Generally speaking, hardware firewalls cost more than software firewalls. In addition, hardware firewalls need to be installed and maintained, which may be expensive. Without a knowledgeable IT staff member, these kinds of settings cannot be completed. When compared to a software firewall, this requires less expenditure and can be deployed by the typical user with ease.

User Limitations

Firewalls unquestionably stop illegal users from accessing your machine across the network. Although the typical user may benefit from this, huge companies may find it problematic. The firewall cab’s regulations are stringent enough to forbid staff from doing certain tasks. This might have a negative impact on the company’s overall productivity. On occasion, this may also discourage staff members from using backdoor attacks. However, because the data sent via these backdoor attacks is not thoroughly inspected, this might result in security issues.


Firewalls, particularly those that are software-based, have the power to reduce the overall performance of your computer. A computer’s overall performance is determined by a number of elements, including its processor power and RAM capacity. Software firewalls need more RAM and processing power when they are always running in the background. This can result in a decrease in system performance. Hardware firewalls, on the other hand, don’t affect system performance since they don’t use computer resources.

Attacks by Malware

Firewalls are effective at blocking the most common kinds of trojans, but they are helpless against more sophisticated malware. Malware of this kind might infiltrate your system by pretending to be reliable data. Consequently, it is still advised to have anti-malware software installed on your computer even if you have a firewall. Because doing an anti-malware check is the only method to get rid of them.

intricate operations

Large corporations cannot afford the ease of firewall maintenance that small firms enjoy. Large enterprises need a distinct team to manage their firewalls. These individuals ensure that the firewall is secure enough to keep outsiders out of the network.



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