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Activities and Skills of Donald Trump – BMS Notes

Activities and Skills of Donald Trump

In the business sector, Donald J. Trump is regarded as the greatest businessman and leader. Worldwide, the Trump organisation and brand are regarded as the industry standard. This is because they were created by Donald Trump. Because of his unparalleled knowledge, wisdom, and variety of interests, he is regarded as the world’s best developer of high-quality real estate, and he has redefined the commercial world. As part of his principles and ideals, he has a strong commitment to charity and excellence. In New York and the nations where he is growing his company, he is revered as an idol. He has classic leadership and business abilities.

Donald J. Trump established The Trump Organization in 1980 as a conglomerate that brought together a range of business partners and real estate ventures under one roof. In addition to luxurious residential and real estate construction in New York, the Trump organisation offers a variety of top-notch office buildings, talent agencies, hotels, clubs and recreational facilities, casinos, golf instruction, courses, and grounds, as well as an international beauty pageant organisation in several countries. The Trump group is constantly dedicated to the leaders’ direct and personal engagement in all aspects of the organization’s undertakings.

The research examines Donald Trump’s leadership abilities and behaviours by examining the organisational structure and theoretical underpinnings of leadership. The opinions of different CEOs, executives, and industry experts of different MNCs in the UAE are highlighted in order to highlight the industry’s opinions about Donald Trump’s leadership style. These opinions serve as the foundation for an analysis and critical assessment of Donald Trump’s leadership style and abilities. The analysis is followed by a persuasive conclusion and suggestions for future leadership skill development in order to successfully and efficiently accomplish the strategic goal.

About (the company): The Trump Organization, INC. offers a range of retail properties to clients in the US and abroad, as well as property services for official and residential uses, sales, and marketing, and building of different real estate projects. It was being built by Donald J. Trump, who in 1980 was regarded as the quintessential businessman with a strong sense of ethics and generosity.


The Trump Organization is a private corporation that was founded by the Trump Family using their assets and resources. It serves as the parent company for all of the commercial ventures and relationships of its founder, Mr. Donald J. Trump. These assets include upscale residential and commercial buildings in New York, including additional residential real estate including Trump Tower, the Trump International Hotel and Tower, Trump World Tower, and the office building at 40 Wall Street in Manhattan. The Miss Universe organisations, which run several beauty pageants including Miss Universe, Miss USA, and Miss Teen USA, a tower in Seoul, South Korea, and a Florida resort are some of the umbrella’s other assets. The Trump Organization holds a 56% stake in the publicly listed Trump Hotels and Casino resorts INC, which runs and oversees many additional gaming establishments in addition to three casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey. In 1980, Donald Trump established an affluent business group and empire that was on the verge of collapsing during the great recession of 1990–1991. Even though the firm sold off some of its buildings as a result of the crisis, it is still the industry leader in real estate development and has a significant presence in the Manhattan real estate market. In addition to all of these ventures, Donald Trump launched his business books, including How to Get Rich and The Art of the Deal, and used the reality programme “The Apprentice” to solidify his public image as a fundamental component of his empire in 2004. He is able to maintain his empire and grow into the world’s top real estate market because to his exceptional leadership abilities. As a result of Donald’s efforts, even his detractors acknowledged him, and because to his effective marketing strategies, he earned the moniker “The Human Logo,” designating him as an inspiration to all entrepreneurs.

Goals and objectives

The entrepreneurial vision of hitting the ground running and establishing lofty standards in order to become the market leader in the global real estate and development sector is the foundation of the Trump organization’s ambition. The company’s vision is guided by Trump’s aspirations for success.

The company’s mission is aligned with Donald Trump’s, who wants to use knowledge to teach people how to succeed and improve their leadership and decision-making abilities. This will ultimately aid in the organization’s overall achievement of its strategic objectives and its vision to become the global leader in the real estate market. In order to stress practical labour above theoretical understanding, he uses a hands-on approach to training others.

Markets (local, regional, or international)

The Trump firm does business in both domestic and foreign marketplaces. It does business in the US as well as in a number of other countries, including Scotland, the Philippines, Illinois, Seoul, South Korea, Chicago, Canada, New Jersey, Hawaii, New York, Florida, California, Los Angeles, Aberdeen, Rio Grande, Stamford, Rakaia, Toronto, and Istanbul, Turkey.

Goods and Services Offered

The Trump Organization Inc. offers a range of real estate development services, including sales, marketing, and property management for a variety of retail, commercial, and residential buildings in both domestic and foreign markets. In addition, it provides real estate brokerage services for the purchase, sale, or rental of commercial and residential buildings and assets. In addition, it manages golf courses in Colts Neck, New York, California, Washington, Westchester, Florida, Aberdeen, Hudson Valley, Scotland, and Philadelphia. Together with running a number of restaurants, modelling agencies, pageants, and public event management, this organisation also produces television shows and entertainment content, such as reality shows. Additionally, it offers clothing, jewellery, home furnishings, and other accessories, as well as accessories for the house, etc..