Home BMS Role of the Participants in the Meeting

Role of the Participants in the Meeting

Role of the Participants in the Meeting

Role of the Participants in the Meeting: The presence of participants other than the chairman at a meeting does not only constitute a quorum. They also have some duties and may contribute in a beneficial way. Members may contribute significantly to the success of the conference and its activities. The following are the most crucial elements for meeting attendees to remember.

Preparing for the meeting: Before attending the meeting, anybody who will be a participant must do the appropriate preparation. The following considerations should be considered while making preparations:

Role of the Participants in the Meeting

  • Complete your homework:

To make a meeting fruitful, the participant must imagine his or her position and collect knowledge and inputs for use during the meeting. To assign duties, he or she may confer with other members.

  • Be on time:

In India, we must emphasise the importance of being on time. When we learn to be timely for regular meetings, our trains, buses, and airlines will operate on time.

  • Actively participate:

A member should pay close attention (so that he may be able to summaries what is being said). He should prepare his remarks in advance and deliver them succinctly and clearly.


He must be both sensible and assertive. PREP stands for:

  1. Describe your viewpoint.
  2. Make sense of it.
  3. Give Specific Examples
  4. Restate your Point of View
  • Showcase your abilities:

A meet is an occasion to show off one’s ability while also receiving credit for providing valuable suggestions.

  • Take the lead:

On rare situations, a member may present or second a motion that seems to be appropriate. This necessitates speed. “Conference produces a ready man,” says Francis Bacon.

  • Observe the rules:

When he is allowed to talk, he should do so. He should refrain from engaging in cross-talk.

  • Accept accountability:

When duties are allocated, a team member should step up to assume the appropriate responsibilities. If he or she is given a task, ready acceptance is also an indication of dynamism.

  • Agree to disagree:

All disagreements should be communicated politely and in a pleasant manner.

  • Assist with the meeting’s direction:

He or she may remind the chairman to keep the meeting on track if it is getting off track.

  • Maintain a connection to the prior discussion:

Any comments made during the meeting must be expressed in light of the preceding debate. It is not necessary to repeat a concept that has previously been offered, but it may be modified or improved.

  • Participate:

In his greater self-interest, the member should be active in collectivism. A good participant develops into a good leader in the same way that a good soldier develops into a good general.