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Retail Advertising – BMS Notes

Retail Advertising – BMS Notes

  1. Establishing a store is not as vital as promoting a brand. In order for customers to be aware of a brand, brand awareness must be developed. In order to impact customers’ purchasing decisions, retailers need to make a concerted effort to convey the brand’s USPs. Put another way, commercials assist consumers in determining which brand a specific product is associated with.
  2. In order to promote a brand and raise public knowledge of it, advertisements are essential.
  3. They aid in forming a mental image of a specific brand or product in the eyes of prospective buyers. Brand positioning is another term for this kind of mechanism.
  4. Through advertising, a person or organisation can draw attention to the advantages and USPs of a good or service in an effort to change consumers’ purchasing decisions.
  5. It encourages consumers to purchase a certain brand by helping to cultivate a favourable perception of it in their minds.
  6. Advertising’s Function in Retail
  7. The retailer works hard to market his brand to the public through a variety of advertising strategies in an effort to get customers to visit the store more frequently.
  8. Customers are drawn into the store via advertisements. They serve as a driving force behind customers entering the stores.
  9. The proper message must be communicated in an effective manner, and the advertisement must appeal to consumers. It should appeal to end users and be a visual feast.
  10. Taglines are used in advertisements to most effectively raise awareness of a good or service.
  11. For the tagline to have the desired effect, it must be succinct and powerful.
  12. Avoid using a long tagline as this will negate its effect.
  13. It must be memorable.
  14. It should be easy to commit to memory.
  15. An individual knows he needs to go to a “Nike Store” the moment he hears the song “Just Do it.” That is why having a tagline is important.
  16. Advertising Methods
  17. Nothing promotes a brand more effectively than cleverly positioned signboards, billboards, hoardings, and banners at key sites such as train stations, busy districts, busy crossings, bus stands, close to movie theatres, residential neighbourhoods, and so forth. Another name for this type of advertising is “out of home” advertising.
  18. A strategy for influencing people when they are not at home is out-of-home advertising. The hoarding needs to be put up at a height where everyone can see it, even from a distance.
  19. Make sure it draws people’s attention as they pass by and encourages them to come into the store.
  20. It should communicate the information in the intended form, therefore keep it clear and avoid confusing the clients.
  21. One of the best methods for brand promotion is print media. Publications such as newspapers, periodicals, catalogues, and journals help people get familiar with the brand. Retailers can purchase a tiny advertisement space in any of the top newspapers or magazines, allowing people to read and be influenced by their adverts.
  22. Additionally, television aids in expanding the brand’s audience. Retailers now employ celebrities as brand ambassadors to give their goods that extra pop. Celebrities are seen promoting the specific brand, which helps the general public find it appealing.
  23. Famed Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar is an ambassador for several companies, including Boost, Adidas, MRF tyres, and Castrol India.
  24. Because his favourite cricket player drinks Boost, a child is persuaded to do the same.
  25. Brand awareness is also aided by radio advertisements.
  26. Additionally, social networking sites have become one of the most affordable and straightforward means of promoting a company or product.