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Leadership – BMS Notes


“A person’s ability to direct others or their actions in organising efforts is referred to as leadership.” — Barnard, Chester I.

“A superior’s capacity to inspire confidence and passion in their subordinates is what defines leadership.” — Donnell and Koontz

“An executive exercises leadership when they creatively direct, guide, and impact others’ work toward achieving predetermined objectives.” — Theo Haimann

A position of authority within a group that allows a person to exert interpersonal influence on other members in order to mobilise and focus their efforts on achieving certain objectives is known as leadership. The organization’s power structure revolves around the leader, who also gives the group life, unites its members, directs it toward its objectives, and sustains its momentum.

A leader of a small work group inside an organisation, for instance, has relatively little influence over a huge number of individuals compared to a leader of national or worldwide stature. Both fit our criteria of leadership and are leaders in their own way.

Being a leader is a powerful process. The group leader has the power to mould, govern, control, and alter the attitudes, actions, and output of his followers. The latter are expected to somewhat suspend their own judgement and discretion and submit to the former’s wishes and orders. There is a certain dynamic that is marked by social and interpersonal interaction between the group members and their leader.

Nature of Leadership I Leadership is akin to management, but it is different from it. It stems from power. The terms “management” and “leadership” are really not the same. While there might be administrators exclusively of structured groupings, there can also be leaders of entirely disorganised ones. Consequently, it may be said that while a leader may not be a manager, a manager is always a leader.

(ii) Managing requires leadership. Being able to lead successfully is essential for a manager to be successful since they must coordinate resources and guide a team to accomplish goals.

(iii) There is a tight relationship between motivation and leadership. One may have a deeper grasp of people’s desires and the reasons behind their actions by comprehending motivation. By establishing a positive or negative work atmosphere inside the company, a leader may either boost or lower employee motivation.

(iv) Followership is the cornerstone of leadership. To put it another way, a person becomes a leader when others are ready to follow them. Furthermore, individuals have a tendency to follow those who they perceive to be offering a way to fulfil their needs, wants, and desires.

(v) An uneven power dynamic exists between group members and leaders in leadership. Members of a group have some influence over group activities, thus they are not helpless. Even yet, the group leader will often have greater authority than the others.

(vi) Leaders have some degree of behavioural effect on their following. Indeed, managers have the power to persuade employees to perform poorly or successfully for the business. The ability to inspire and encourage people to support the cause is a prerequisite for a leader.

(vii) The leader has to get along with followers or subordinates and understand their goals and desires. This fosters in subordinates a sense of loyalty and trust for their boss.

(viii) Values should be a priority for leadership. Leaders teach principles and ethics to their followers. The true moral instructors are leaders, and they have the power to reaffirm concepts. If leaders do not act hypocritically, it is crucial that they establish strong ethical claims.

(ix) Being a leader is a very physically and mentally taxing profession. The physical criteria for a leader must be met by strength, power, and ability; the mental needs for leadership must be met by enthusiasm, energy, and patience.

Different Leader Types

Leader in Management

Out of the five categories of leaders, a manager is the least effective. They are the least powerful. Individuals only obey them because of need. They are unable to assist others at this time. Because of their status, they want to be serviced by others. They see other people as instruments to be used in order to accomplish the day’s goal. Making choices is what they like to do. Character development is one of their weaknesses.

Here is a quick summary of the traits:

  • Character is lacking.
  • Rather of being “to serve,” desire is “to be served.”
  • They think in terms of scarcity.
  • Competency may be in the very beginning stages or quite advanced.
  • The management of people and processes is the main focus.
  • respects the position above the individuals.
  • Power, control, formal authority, and individual accomplishments are the sources of strength.
  • Relationship-Based Leader

To influence people, a relational leader cultivates connections. It is not what they know that makes others want to follow them, but rather who they are. They get along well with others and cultivate mutual respect. Not only do they desire to follow them, but they haven’t acquired specific understanding. Their inability to make the required sacrifices to advance their expertise is a weakness.

Here is a quick summary of the traits:

  • Strong character.
  • To serve is one’s desire.
  • Their attitude is one of plenty.
  • Competency is broad and underdeveloped.
  • The goal is to lead, influence, and release others.
  • values individuals above positions.
  • Moral authority and connections are the sources of strength.
  • Inspirational Leader

A motivating leader looks out for the good of the group as a whole as well as for themselves. Because of their identity and expertise, people are drawn to them. They exert an external impact on others. They concentrate on processes. For themselves, their families, their team, their company, their clients, their suppliers, and their community, they are dependable and produce results. Their inability to make the required sacrifices in order to generate more inspiring leaders is a weakness.

Here is a quick summary of the traits:

  • Strong character.
  • To serve is one’s desire.
  • Their attitude is one of plenty.
  • Competency grows and becomes specialised.
  • The main priorities are controlling the procedures, producing outcomes, and leading (inspiring/releasing) others.
  • values individuals above positions.
  • Relationships, moral authority, and team performance are the sources of strength.
  • Motivating Executive
  • Motivational leadership is a quality that an inspiring leader imparts to management and relational leaders. Their goal is to better themselves so that they may better others. They have an inward impact on others. They prioritise people over processes. They give character development a lot of attention. Genuinely inspiring leaders are followed due to their genuine caring nature and inner qualities. Their followers’ progress serves as an inspiration to them.
  • Moral fibre is more robust.
  • The goal is to help and grow other people.
  • Their attitude is one of plenty.
  • Competency is very specialised and advanced.
  • The emphasis is on creating inspirational leaders and leading (influencing/releasing) others.
  • values individuals above positions.
  • Relationships, moral authority, and the development of others are the sources of strength.
  • Transformative Executive

The goal and passion of a transformational leader is to change people. Of the five categories of leaders, they are the most powerful and well-liked. Their standing precedes them. They have a reputation for producing strong leaders. They have an impact on individuals from all walks of life and generations. For many years, they have impacted several leaders. Their influence is always spreading via a large number of other leaders at various periods and in other places.

Here is a quick summary of the traits:

  • The strongest quality is character
  • Serving and developing others is one’s desire.
  • Their attitude is one of plenty.
  • Competency is very specialised and advanced.
  • The emphasis is on creating inspiring and motivating leaders and leading (influencing/releasing) others.
  • values individuals above positions.

Relationships, moral authority, the development of others, and the respect one has gained are sources of strength.

The Significance of Leadership

In order to attain corporate objectives and enhance efficiency, leadership is a crucial management role. The following arguments support the notion that leadership matters in a concern.

starts a process

A leader is someone who initiates work by informing subordinates of the plans and policies, which is where the job truly begins.


It is evident that a leader contributes incentivizing the organisation to function. By offering financial and non-financial incentives to his staff, he encourages them to work hard and gets the task done by his subordinates.

Giving direction

In addition to overseeing, a leader must provide direction and guidance to their subordinates. In this context, guidance refers to giving instructions to subordinates on how to carry out their tasks in an effective and efficient manner.

Building self-assurance

One way to instil confidence in subordinates is to communicate to them the importance of their job, clearly define their function, and provide them with recommendations on how to accomplish the objectives. It is important to pay attention to the grievances and issues raised by the staff.

boosting spirits

Employees that are willing to cooperate with their job, gain their confidence, and earn their trust are said to have high morale. A leader may increase morale by securing complete cooperation from followers, enabling them to give their all while pursuing objectives.

creates an atmosphere for work

Getting things done by people is management. A productive workplace promotes steady and solid development. Thus, a leader should be mindful of human interactions. He need to interact personally with staff members, pay attention to their issues, and provide solutions. He need to have humane treatment for his workers.


Achieving coordination involves balancing individual interests with the objectives of the organisation. A leader’s main goal should be to coordinate properly and effectively in order to accomplish this synchronisation.