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Integration of advertising with other communication tools – BMS Notes

Integration of advertising with other communication tools – BMS Notes

Integrated Marketing Communication tools refer to using a variety of marketing tools, like ads, email marketing, public relations work, direct mail, and sales campaigns, together to promote brands and get the same message to more people. Using a variety of brand communication tools together in a smart way helps promote products and services.

For businesses to use integrated marketing communication, they need to be able to talk to their customers clearly.

You should know how your services or products will help the people who use them. There will be more demand for your brand in the market if you market it well. Figure out who you want to reach. Don’t forget that not everyone will want or need your product. Figure out why someone would invest in your brand if you don’t have something interesting and unique to offer. It’s important to get the benefits of the brand across clearly.

Let’s look at a few different tools for integrated marketing and communication:

Integrated marketing communication effectively combines all forms of brand communication and uses them all at the same time to get customers interested in different products and services, which leads to more sales for the business.


One of the best ways to promote a brand is through advertising. Advertising helps businesses reach more people faster. People who read newspapers, watch TV, listen to the radio, or see billboards can trust your brand, which makes them more likely to buy it and stay loyal to it. Advertisements not only get people to buy more of a product or service, but they also make people more aware of a brand. It’s up to marketers to make sure that the right message gets to the right customers at the right time. You should be careful about what’s in the ad, since you’re paying for every second.

Promotion for Sales

Brands (goods and services) can also be promoted with discount coupons, membership coupons, loyalty clubs, other loyalty programmes, incentives, lucrative schemes, special deals, and so on. Brands can also be promoted well with newspaper inserts, danglers, banners in the right place, glorifiers, wobblers, and other things.

Business to Business

Direct marketing lets companies talk to the people who will be using their products directly. For direct marketing, you can use things like emails, text messages, catalogues, brochures, promotional letters, and more. Messages get to end users directly through direct marketing.

Selling on Your Own

One of the best ways to use integrated marketing communication is to do personal selling. People who work as marketers or sales reps sell goods or services to customers in a way called “personal selling.” Selling to people in person is a great way for businesses to build stronger relationships with the people who buy their products.

The steps that make up personal selling are:

  1. Prospecting:
  2. Prospecting helps you find the right person to talk to.
  3. Making the first contact: Marketers need to get in touch with potential customers through emails, calls, and other means.
  4. You must have an appointment, and you must arrive on time for the meeting.

The call to sell:

  1. Don’t ever lie to your clients. Tell people about all the unique things your brand has to offer. You should be pleased with your own products and services as a marketer if you want people to buy from your brand.
  2. Dealing with objections:
  3. Be ready to answer any questions the client may have.

Getting the deal done:

  1. It’s important not to leave until the deal is closed. Giving customers time to think and make a choice is not a bad thing. Do not try to take their life.
  2. Activities for public relations
  3. Through press releases, news stories, events, public appearances, and other things, public relations help spread the word about a brand.
  4. As a public relations officer, your job is to make the company look good..