Home BMS Importance and Objective of Human Resource Management - BMS Notes

Importance and Objective of Human Resource Management – BMS Notes

Importance and Objective of Human Resource Management


Human resources are the valuable assets of the corporate bodies. They are their strength. To deal with the new problems that come up because of knowledge, technology, and the way the global economy is changing, you need to manage your human resources well. HRM is important in three situations: the work place, in social situations, and in professional situations.

Meaning of the Organization

Human resource management (HRM) is very important for each organisation to reach their goals.

The following are some ways that it helps the organisation reach its goals:

It is possible to find and keep the best employees by using good human resource practises.

Training, development, performance reviews, and other methods should be used to make sure that employees have the right skills and attitudes.

(iii) Getting employees to work together willingly by motivating them, getting them involved, handling complaints, etc.

(iv) Making good use of the people who are available.

  1. v) Making sure that the business will have a team of skilled and dedicated workers in the future.

Importance in society

The social importance of HRM lies in meeting the needs of the people who work for the company. The fact that these people are drawn from society means that their work improves society as a whole. A good human resource practise is mostly good for society as a whole.

I There are more job opportunities.

  1. Getting rid of wasteful use of people by protecting their physical and mental health.

The scare skills are used in the best way possible. Companies that treat their workers well and pay them well always get ahead of the competition and do a great job.

Importance for professionals

HRM is important for professionals because it helps people grow and creates a healthy environment where they can use their skills to the best of their abilities.

This can be done by: I Developing people on continuous basis to meet challenge of their job.

(ii) Encouraging employees to work together and have team spirit.

Assisting people who have the potential to rise by giving them great chances to grow.

(iv) Creating an environment and giving people reasons to be creative and use their ideas.

What the goals of human resource management are

I To hire, train, utilise, and encourage workers to reach the company’s objectives.

(ii) To make sure that individuals and groups work together to make the organisation work well.

(iii) To give people and groups the chances, facilities, and motivation they need to grow along with the organization’s growth through things like training and development, pay, and so on.

  1. iv) To make good use of the skills and abilities of the workforce, or to use human resources well.
  2. v) To make sure that every employee is happy with their job and reaching their full potential; it tries to push and encourage every employee to do so.

(vi) To build a sense of team spirit and belonging among employees and to encourage them to make suggestions.

(vii) To help keep ethical rules and behaviour in place both inside and outside the organisation.

(viii) To keep the organization’s morale high and its relationships with other people good.

(ix) To handle change in a way that helps people, groups, the organisation, and society as a whole.

(x) To make sure there is no risk of unemployment or unfair treatment, a policy that recognises merit and employee contribution, and conditions for stable employment must be put in place.