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Human Relations and Organizational Behavior – BMS Notes

Human Relations and Organizational Behavior

Elton Mayo, an Australian-born psychologist and organisational theorist, started the Hawthorne studies in the 1920s. They looked at how people behave in groups and how that affects individuals at work.

At that time, Taylorism, which means using science in the workplace to make things more efficient, saw people as machines that could work in places that weren’t moral or realistic. On the other hand, Mayo popularised the idea of the “social person,” which means that businesses should treat people as unique individuals, not as machines with individual needs.

The human relations management theory is based on the idea that people want to be part of a team that helps them grow and develop. So, if employees feel like they are getting extra attention and are encouraged to take part, they will think their work is important and be more motivated to do it, which will lead to better work.

The word “human relations” comes from the study of “human problems arising from organisational and interpersonal relations (as an industry)”. This definition has led to a way of doing business that focuses on helping employees advance in their careers and have control over their work, while also making the business profitable.

To run a business and manage people with a focus on human relations, employers and managers need to have certain skills. There are five skills that are necessary to run a human resources-focused workplace culture well.

How to deal with people 5 skills

Managers need a lot of different skills, but these five are especially important for dealing with people.

Communication: It’s important for everyone to be able to talk to each other at work, but it’s especially important for leaders who are in charge of human resources. All employees should be on the same page and feel motivated and valued at work. Good communication can help make this happen. People can talk to each other in person or through written forms like emails and social media.

If you’re a leader, you should be able to change how you talk to different groups of people, like when you’re talking to high-level executives vs. when you’re talking to your customers. Mirroring the other person’s approach is a good way to talk to them because people like talking to people who are like them. To subtly connect with someone you’re talking to, find things you have in common with them and match their tone of voice or body language.

Getting rid of conflicts

People with different personalities, worldviews, and goals can make it very hard, if not impossible, to get everyone to agree on something. So, you need to be comfortable with and good at resolving conflicts. Your help will make sure that everyone on the team can work together nicely, even if they don’t always agree, so that the work gets done on time.

You need to be able to listen to different points of view and make everyone feel like they are being heard and understood when there is disagreement. After putting together all the information that was given, you need to work with everyone to find a solution that makes everyone happy so that everyone can move forward. Although it’s impossible to please everyone all the time, having good conflict resolution skills can help keep or bring back team harmony when people disagree.


Every day, managers have to deal with a huge number of tasks, questions, and problems. They are responsible for both their own success and the success of their team. This means they spend time checking in with their team to make sure everything is going well.

A good leader can keep track of many tasks at once, even ones that are at odds with each other, and still meet all of the deadlines. Flexibility is another important part of multitasking. As a manager, you have to be able to adjust to new rules or changes at work that affect how your employees do their daily work.


Negotiation happens all the time at work, whether it’s over a job offer, an agreement between stakeholders and the company, or just different points of view that need to be handled. To keep the peace between two people and come to an agreement that works for everyone, you need to be able to negotiate well. Some good ways to communicate, like mirroring and changing the way you talk to fit the people you’re talking to, can also help you in negotiations.


One of the most important skills for people who work with others is organisation, which affects all parts of the job. Both your physical workspace and the way you work must be very well organised. When you’re filing paperwork or employee records, this is especially important because you need to make sure everything is done right and on time. Keeping things in order is also important for managing your time and getting things done quickly.

As a leader, you need to be able to work quickly and effectively, especially when you have a lot of important tasks that need to be done by a certain date. This is only possible with a well-organized process.

Communication, conflict resolution, multitasking, negotiating, and organisation are all very important in working with other people. Leaders who have these skills or work on getting them are well on their way to effectively using human resources management techniques.

  • Common ideas about how to manage human resources
  • Here are some of the most important ideas in human resource management theory:
  • It fits with the human relations theory to pay attention to and recognise each person.
  • A lot of management theorists agree with the motivational theory, which is related to the human relations theory.
  • Studies back up the idea that good human relations are important in business.

Mayo’s Hawthorne studies showed that relationships are the most important thing for getting things done. Researchers found that relationships and supportive groups made people more productive. They also found that each employee’s work had a big impact on the team’s output. The workers were motivated and more productive because the researchers paid attention to them. This is an example of what is now called the Hawthorne effect.

How does the theory of motivation fit with managing people?

After the Hawthorne studies, Abraham Maslow and Douglas McGregor showed how the theory of motivation fits in with theories of how people interact with each other. Maslow said that every person has five basic needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. These needs drive an employee’s work values because they want to make sure that their most important needs are met. McGregor believed in motivational beliefs because he knew that workers would do a better job for the company if they felt responsible and valued.

It’s important to remember that human relations is part of human resources. This means that the human resources theory is different from the human relations management theory.

What human relations management theories actually do in the end

Studies on workplace human relations have shown that people want to feel like they belong and are important while also being treated with value and respect. If you treat an employee with that much value and respect, they will be more productive and help the organisation.