Home BMS Execution styles of presenting ads - BMS Notes

Execution styles of presenting ads – BMS Notes

Execution styles of presenting ads

Learning how to say something is sometimes just as crucial as deciding what to say in the first place. The term “how” refers to the Creative Execution Style, which varies substantially depending on your message and the audience you are trying to reach. Consider which approach will work best for the audience you want to target. Here are eight distinct methods to think about:

Direct Sale

The most basic and typical kind of execution is this one. You describe the product to your consumer, point out its most desirable features, and support your claims with data. Although this direct and uncomplicated kind of advertising is simple, it may not be sufficient to distinguish your product or service.

Technical or Scientific Evidence

Unfortunately, a lot of people will think that your product is too dramatic or overblown. You may combat this by presenting evidence in the form of scientific research or an official scientific body’s backing for your statements. This is useful for technical items or those whose advantages aren’t immediately apparent.


KH 8408A Slap Chop Eight Strategies for Using Advertising to Sell a Message

Sometimes seeing your product in use is the greatest method to demonstrate its legitimacy and superior quality. Consider late-night infomercials such as Slap Chop or ShamWow. Because these items proved to be beneficial to their target market, they were very popular.


Comparing goes one step beyond just demonstrating. Here’s where you contrast your offering with that of your closest rival. You’ve probably seen hundreds of advertisements claiming that one towel or detergent is superior than its next top rival. The red and white soda can in the Pepsi advertisement above subtly suggests Coke even if it doesn’t explicitly mention it. Also take notice of the advertisement’s reliance on straightforward images rather than numbers and facts for comparison.


Trevor Linden 01 Primary Eight Strategies for Using Advertising to Sell a Message

A testimonial is among the most tried-and-true forms of promotion. A testimonial is a statement from a satisfied customer detailing how your product improved their lives. A testimonial is more powerful the more reliable the source. Celebrities are thus highly sought after due to their significant impact.

A Bite of Life

A slice-of-life aesthetic dramatises daily life to highlight how simple it would be for customers to incorporate your new product into their daily routines. Typically, this is carried out for cleaning, food, and beverage items. Slice-of-life advertisements are among the most overused (and, to be honest, dull) types of advertising, but they are also simple to make and don’t cost much to produce. To attract more attention, you will need to come up with an intriguing twist if you want to accomplish anything similar.

Symbol of Personality

Eight Strategies for Using Advertising to Sell a Message

This entails coming up with a mascot or personality that appeals to your audience and is closely connected to your company. Consider icons such as Energizer Bunny, Pillsbury Doughboy, and Ronald McDonald.

Developing a memorable personality sign could be more difficult than it first seems. A mascot that is ill-conceived will become grating and soon forgotten. Make sure you do a lot of focus groups and survey testing to determine what will appeal to your target market.


Like in the slice-of-life example, but with an emphasis on action and excitement. Even though dramatisation is often much more entertaining to watch, there’s a chance that viewers will get so engrossed in the action that they won’t notice the product being offered at all!

Which one ought I to utilise?

You are not required to use any of these methods exclusively. You are welcome to combine components from many designs to fit your campaign. You must take into account your audience, the medium, your product, your brand image, and the message you want to convey to them