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Environment in Social Marketing – BMS Notes

Environment in Social Marketing – BMS Notes

A company’s capacity to oversee its marketing initiatives in the context of its social environment has a role in its marketing success. Social and environmental influences pertain to the collective attitudes and ideas of the populace. Because customer attitudes, lifestyles, and beliefs are changing much more quickly than they used to, marketing managers are finding it harder and harder to do their jobs. For example, the increasing proportion of men who shop for groceries is evidence that gender roles have flipped.

Demographics of the Population

The study of population characteristics, such as the proportion of people in a specific race, gender, or profession, is known as demographics. This is in addition to the usual variables like location, population density, and population size. Demographic shifts may have a negative impact on businesses’ marketing strategies. For example, the U.S. and most other Western nations are experiencing dropping birth rates, which clearly affects sales of baby items. The demand for certain items in a specific location may also be impacted by changes in the age, ethnic, and gender mix of the population.

Being Aware of Time

Compared to a few decades ago, when most individuals worked a little over 40 hours a week, many today work around 50 hours. As a consequence, there isn’t as much spare time for leisure activities like shopping. Those with little spare time try to increase or optimise their free time. From a marketing perspective, this indicates that a lot of consumers are more prepared to pay for convenience, particularly those in two-income families and those with higher incomes but less free time. As a result, you should promote goods that maximise or save customers’ time. One such product is the yoghurt drink Nouriche, which enables users to multitask while eating and driving simultaneously.

Changing Roles for Gender

The increasing number of two-income families and other factors have led to a substantial shift in the roles that men and women play in families, work, leisure, and purchasing. For instance, an increasing proportion of “house men” are remaining at home with their wives, taking full-time jobs and managing the household and children. Women in the workforce are also looking for a better work-life balance. They choose time-saving items like frozen and prepared meals, as well as more effective appliances and cleaning supplies, as a result.

Awareness of the Environment

Environmental conservation is becoming more and more important to consumers. As customers’ awareness of the environment has grown, astute marketers have reacted by creating goods that emphasise this fact. The development of hydrogen and electric cars by automakers like Tesla and Honda is one such example. These automobiles discharge non-toxic waste into aquatic environments