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Creativity Strategy – BMS Notes

Creativity Strategy – BMS Notes

For every brand or company to be captivating and profitable, it requires a creative plan. A company’s choice of creative approach will dictate key marketing and advertising initiatives that establish its brand. While many people stick to a predetermined approach, it’s crucial to take innovative chances in order to stand out and achieve a breakthrough.

Measurement of Marketing

Sales, website traffic, SEO, social media engagement, and conversion rates are just a few of the marketing benchmarks that are rather easy to monitor. Because analytical data is used to monitor these outcomes, their performance can be measured. If a certain strategy isn’t working, it’s simple to determine why and try a different one. However, there has to be a plan in place before you can contribute to creating the outcomes you want for your business. Every strategy starts with a creative concept, and all intriguing, innovative ideas are fed by in-depth analysis and thorough research. There are three main components to creative strategy, which has the goal of laying the groundwork for company expansion.


Any marketing strategy must include creative strategic planning, but this is particularly true when launching a new website. All of the following factors affect corporate development, and any well-thought-out plan would address and describe them all:

Goals and Needs

Asking precisely defined questions is the only way to get a clearly defined response. In order to illustrate a unique solution, a well-considered Creative Strategy will identify the most important business and brand demands to solve and use consumer and industry information. Consider the Pizza Turnaround Campaign by Dominos. Sales at Dominos increased dramatically once the company started incorporating consumer input into its innovative marketing plan. Under the Pizza Turnaround Campaign, Dominos adjusted the pizza’s formula and style to better accommodate its customers’ tastes. After modifying their offering to better appeal to their target market, Dominos won a pizza taste test. Dominos used a variety of promotional strategies, including giveaways of free pizza, an appearance on Gayle King’s talk show, celebrity sponsorships, and much more. On social media, the hashtag #NewPizza became popular. Dominos let its contented clientele do their own promotion.

Make a roadmap

Finding solutions is a fantastic place to start, but how do we get there? A creative strategist’s responsibility is to ascertain the best route from point A to point B. What risks are present and how may they be circumvented? What can be learnt from the errors made by other businesses? To inspire your team and provide them with a clear understanding of the next stages, you must develop a plan that answers these questions. Making a plan can help staff members comprehend the company’s innovative marketing approach. A company may sometimes need to create many marketing strategies to attract different audiences.

A SWOT analysis may be used by a marketer to find answers and determine a company’s next course of action. The SWOT analysis is a helpful tool for figuring out your company’s advantages and disadvantages as well as the possibilities and dangers that confront you (the elements that make up the acronym: SWOT). Your business may advance by creating a creative marketing strategy that is appropriately formatted based on an evaluation of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Following the evaluation of their company’s SWOT analysis, Sedibeng Breweries created a new business strategy. They were able to more skillfully coordinate an innovative marketing plan in light of their many advantages, disadvantages, possibilities, and dangers.

What’s taking place?

To put it simply, an educated Creative Strategy is required. What’s happening in your field of work? How is the rivalry faring? What emerging technologies are we going to see? What’s happening in the social and digital spheres? A roadmap cannot navigate the corporate world’s intricacies unless it is well-informed on what is going on, everywhere.

You can remain on top of your industry by keeping up with developments in the field. A competitive analysis is a useful tool for keeping your business as modern as feasible. A comprehensive study entails locating your rivals and comparing your offerings with theirs in terms of features, benefits, and drawbacks. Reading trade periodicals, browsing websites with news about your sector, and going to conferences may all help you keep current.

Recount a Story

Online success is fueled by content, but what motivates content? Every communication endeavour should be built on a brand’s narrative or point of view. What is the distinct stance and viewpoint of your brand? Your visual lexicon and message approach will be determined by this. Any audience enjoys a good narrative. Which is yours?

The narrative of Beardbrand, a firm that offers materials for maintaining facial hair, is one of beard enthusiasts and their attempts to properly promote their distinctive product to their target demographic. When founder Eric Bandholz competed in the 2012 West Coast Beard & Mustache Championships, he fell in love. He fell in love with the culture when he was at the tournament. He was motivated to bring bearded guys together and create a society that would dispel the myth that bearded men are shabby and idle. Beardbrand, according to Eric, consistently creates high-caliber content for guys “who are enthusiastic not just about their facial hair, but also about their style, professions, and independence.”

Influence Behavior Great: the strategy is in place and the objectives have been established. What is the intended action that we would want the audience (the end user) to do now? The conversion will be more successful if the activity is more precise. Through the creation of clear calls to action and user-friendly online routes, the strategy will be translated into accessible and relevant words for consumers. Consider CloudSponge as an example. After redesigning their website, they saw a 33% improvement in Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO).