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Creativity and Qualities of a Creative Person

Creativity and Qualities of a Creative Person

Creativity and Qualities of a Creative Person: Creativity is the process through which something new and worthwhile is created. It might be ethereal (as a concept, a scientific hypothesis, a musical composition, or a joke) or substantial (like a physical thing) (such as an invention, a printed literary work, or a painting).

Scholarly interest in creativity can be found in a variety of disciplines, including psychology, business studies, and cognitive science, as well as education, technology, engineering, philosophy (especially philosophy of science), theology, sociology, linguistics, and economics, with topics ranging from the relationships between creativity and general intelligence, personality type, mental and neural processes, mental health, and artificial intelligence, to the potential for fostering creativity through artificial intelligence.

Creativity and Qualities of a Creative Person

What comes to mind when you hear the term “creative”? Creativity may take many forms, bringing a wide range of ideas to the surface and inspiring global change. However, because of the many avenues available, creativity is a hazy phrase, posing both a difficulty and an opportunity. It’s easy, for example, to stroll alongside a creative bunch of individuals and lose sight of who’s goals are real. It’s much simple to lose sight of one’s own. Examining personal qualities on a regular basis is a fun way to evaluate which of your features are being used creatively, since we all know people have a lot of attributes in different areas.

This may not only help you gain perspective, but it can also help you recognise what really defines a creative feature, which can assist you determine whether your ‘creative’ objectives are being carried out or ignored. Isn’t it a mouthful? The fact is that we sometimes lose sight of ourselves, our mission, and genuine creativity. Creativity shines out because it lacks a clear description and just exists. So, what distinguishes creative individuals? Is it possible that you are one of them? Here are some that may help put things in perspective.


People that are creative have a distinct aura about them. They have a tendency to emit a lot of energy and put their entire heart into anything they do. This form of energy differs from, say, hyper-ness in that it propels the creator in a good path rather than being spent aimlessly. When a creator uses energy, it allows them to put their heart and soul into their work and to share that energy to others when they see what they’ve made. Being energetic is contagious, and creative people enjoy passing their enthusiasm on to others. This energy is unlike any other, and if you’ve experienced it before, you’ll understand what I’m talking about.


Being intellectual is another quality that distinguishes a creative person. A creative person’s intellect has an abundance of insight, similar to a hard-to-find gift. Creatives are astute and know how to put their intelligence to good use. They are quick to think of new ideas and resourceful in their environment. Intellect may take various forms, but creative individuals are more likely to use the abstract, aesthetic aspect of intelligence. Because higher intelligence naturally leads to more creative achievement, wisdom is a key trait in the thinking of a creative.


While intelligence is a defining quality of creative individuals, they also have a subservient side. Because their hearts are always open to the world, they are sensitive to a wide range of things. They are naturally emotional, and many things make them weep. Creatives are sensitive to the whole spectrum of living because they can readily notice both the pleasure and the agony in daily life. Being sensitive and vulnerable helps a creative to cast aside any doubts and pour their whole heart and soul into their creation. A sensitive heart may seem meek, yet it is a true gift for a creative to have.


In their efforts, creatives are very ambitious. They are continuously on the lookout for new projects and have a ready hand. Almost nothing can get in the way of their desire to try something new. Constant creation drives creatives to want more, and ambition provides it. They search and search till they locate what they’re searching for. There is always something to draw from their experience to inspire their work, whether it is in the tiniest portion of their day or the largest event of their lives.


Naivety is another subservient trait shared by many creatives. In our society, being naïve can be a very hazardous thing, and creative people are notorious for falling into that naive pool. Being naïve, on the other hand, isn’t always a bad thing; it may help creatives learn from their errors and evolve. It may assist them in accidently opening some doors, allowing them to benefit from unexpected discoveries. Because they look at the world with optimistic eyes and attempt to find the best in mankind, creative people have a certain degree of childish naivety. Curiosity, or a wandering spirit, goes hand in hand with naiveté; the world is your backyard, but beware of the dog; the world might bite back.


Creatives are much more rebellious than most people believe. They take a lot of risks and do so often. They aren’t scared to make mistakes since they usually find the silver lining. They may have a lot of bruises and scars to show for their misdeeds, but their defiance keeps their hearts burning. Nothing, not even the world’s nastiest reaction, can harm a creative with a heart full of fire and a courageous spirit. Being rebellious means going outside of the box and attempting something new, even if it fails, since creatives see failure as an opportunity to develop regardless of the outcome.

Introverts and extroverts are two types of people.

Is it possible for someone to be both extroverted and introverted? Certainly, creatives can! There are two sides to creative people: a private side and a public side. In the same body, they may be gregarious and private, chatty and quiet, bashful and confident. Being extroverted, as well as being introverted, offers advantages. Creative individuals are quick to accept new ideas and understand the value in finding the perfect balance of extroversion and introversion to enjoy all of the rewards.


It’s all about having fun when it comes to being a creative. They experiment with different concepts until they get the desired outcome. They ‘play with paints to obtain the appropriate colour,’ ‘play with lenses to take the ideal shot,’ ‘play with metal to make the proper model,’ and, of course, ‘play with fire.’ Playfulness helps a creative to have a good time. It helps people to take their work less seriously and enjoy it by just having fun with it. And the finest things sometimes happen by chance, or by accident, or by playing with fire.


Your creative buddy, or anybody else who is creative in this world for that matter, is an open minded individual. This is a significant one, given how open to new ideas creatives must be in order to succeed. Being open-minded permits creatives to climb mountains and travel to far-flung corners of the globe. It permits individuals to perceive things from a different perspective without being trapped in a box of limitations. Being open-minded allows creatives to be set free, and the sky is the limit for a free creative.


Dreaming is something that creatives never stop doing. They dream during the day, in their heads continually, in the evening, at night, and the following day. Creatives dream because they are goal-oriented, and they dream about these objectives in a realistic way to keep them motivated. However, just like anybody else, creatives may get carried away. But, for the most part, this dreaming we’re talking about is untouchable, because when a creative person wants something, they go all in, even if it started out as a fantasy.