Home BMS AS1 Disclosure of Accounting Policies

AS1 Disclosure of Accounting Policies

AS1 Disclosure of Accounting Policies

AS1 Disclosure of Accounting Policies: The disclosure of accounting policies is referred to as AS 1. It stipulates that an organisation must disclose major accounting rules used in the preparation and presentation of its financial statements. This is because the accounting procedures employed in compiling financial statements have a substantial influence on the state of affairs of a company organisation.

Typically, every organisation adheres to accounting regulations that are specific to its sector and business. As a result, an organisation must reveal its main accounting practises in order to offer an accurate and fair picture of its financial situation. Practices in Disclosing Accounting Policies Currently in Use

Disclosure is mandated by law. 

In order to generate and display financial statements, a corporate organisation may be required by law to declare certain accounting practises. In such circumstances, the organisation is required to make these accounting practises public.

Disclosure The ICAI requires it. 

Over time, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has issued notifications advocating the disclosure of various accounting procedures. As a result, an organisation that uses such accounting principles in the preparation of its financial statements must declare these policies. For instance, translation regulations for commodities denominated in a foreign currency.

Annual Reports to Shareholders: Disclosure

In India, just a few businesses submit a separate statement describing the accounting standards that were utilised to generate their financial statements. As a result, an organisation might add a separate statement that reflects its accounting principles. However, such a statement must be included in the company’s annual reports to its shareholders.

Accounting Policies Aren’t Completely Disclosed

It has been observed that accounting rules are not currently presented in financial statements on a regular and comprehensive basis. Many businesses like to provide summaries of critical accounting practises in the notes to their financial statements.

This is a practise that businesses may adopt. The type and extent of such a revelation, on the other hand, vary greatly. It differs across corporate and non-corporate sectors, as well as within-sector entities.

Enterprises with a Separate Statement of Accounts must provide a separate disclosure.

There is also a lot of variance in terms of the kind and degree of disclosure. The disparity is notably noticeable among businesses that already publish a separate statement of accounting procedures in their annual reports. Few businesses incorporate such a separate statement of accounting rules in their books of accounts in such circumstances. Others, on the other hand, provide such details as supplemental information.

The Purpose of Accounting Policy Disclosure: 

The goal of providing a statement of accounting policies is to help people comprehend the financial statements better. It also makes it easier to compare financial statements from different organisations in a more relevant way. To fulfil these goals, a distinct accounting standard on Disclosure has been devised. The disclosure of accounting policies is encouraged by this accounting standard. It also explains how such accounting principles must be reflected in financial statements.

Is it Necessary to Disclose Basic Accounting Assumptions?

In most cases, an organisation does not required to explain or disclose the basic accounting assumptions it used to prepare its financial statements. It is only required to disclose such assumptions if it fails to follow them in the preparation of its financial statements.