Home BMS Advertising agencies Structure & Types - BMS Notes

Advertising agencies Structure & Types – BMS Notes

Advertising agencies Structure & Types BMS Notes

The Organizational Structure of an Advertising Agency

Regardless of the size of the company, the fundamental components of an advertising agency’s organisational structure remain the same. The creative team creates the commercials, the account services team handles client interactions, and media professionals choose which media channels to run the ads in. The commercial and financial activities of the agency are overseen by a senior management team.

I Management of Agencies

In a small agency, the finance director and chief executive could make up the senior management team. A bigger agency could have directors overseeing each area of the company in addition to a chief executive and a finance director. In the event that an agency is a part of a sizable conglomerate, a management team member has accountability for the holding company’s board interactions.

(ii) Services for Accounts

The creative and media teams of the firm are managed by the account services team, which also handles client relations. Account director, account executive, and assistant account executive are the three tiers of account management that a big agency may have. Account directors oversee the work of account executives and are accountable for a set of accounts. They are subordinate to the management team of the agency. They could also continue to have tight ties to the agency’s most significant customers. Under the direction of account directors, account executives and assistant account executives oversee the daily activities associated with their accounts.

(iii) Account Planning: Account planners investigate the requirements and inclinations of a product or service’s intended market. They provide a brief for the creative team working on an advertising campaign and use their findings to formulate an advertising plan. Account executives may have some responsibility for account planning in smaller organisations. A specialist may be added to the account management team by larger organisations.

(iv) Media

The media department is in charge of scheduling the locations and times for commercials as well as purchasing space or time for them in print and broadcast media, including billboards and poster sites, as well as radio, television, and digital media. One individual may handle both the procurement and planning responsibilities in small organisations. A media director oversees the work of a group of planners and buyers in the media department of larger organisations. Specialists in print, broadcast, or digital media may be part of the media team.

(v) Services Creative

The creative services team is made up of designers, or art directors, and copywriters who collaborate to create ad ideas. A creative director oversees teams that work on various accounts at bigger firms. Only a creative director who collaborates with freelance writers may be appointed by smaller firms.

(vi) Manufacturing

The production section of larger firms is in charge of overseeing advertising campaigns. They oversee the work of the media and creative divisions, setting timelines and managing campaign budgets. The production team also communicates with other vendors, including printers, photographers, and video production firms, who work on advertising campaigns. Project management is often handled by account executives or creative directors at smaller firms.

different kinds of advertising agency.

  • Complete-service Organizations
  • large-scale organisations.
  • handles advertising at every level.
  • various subject matter experts for various divisions.
  • begins with data collection and analysis and concludes with media bill payment.
  • Engaging Organizations
  • There is utilisation of updated communication channels.
  • use mobile text messaging, internet ads, and other methods.
  • The advertisements generated are very interactive, include novel ideas, and are highly creative.
  • Innovative Stores
  • really inventive and clever advertisements.
  • The only task completed is the creation of real advertisements.
  • Media Buying Agencies are small-sized firms that employ their own directors, copywriters, and creative personnel.
  • purchases advertising space and then sells it to marketers.
  • sells the time that an advertising will run.
  • arranges time slots at various radio and television stations.
  • Lastly, oversees or verifies whether the advertisement was broadcast at the designated time and location.
  • Internal Organizations
  • comparable to full-service organisations.
  • Large organisations choose these specially designed firms that only serve them.
  • These organisations’ criteria are followed by these agencies.

Certain agencies that specialise in certain types of ads exist. People with specialised understanding in that sector are needed for these kinds of organisations. For instance, those with social themes, those pertaining to money, those promoting medical, etc.