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Advertisement Creativity: Introduction, importance – BMS Notes

Advertisement Creativity: Introduction, importance – BMS Notes

  1. Creativity is probably of the phrases most frequently used in advertisements. Creative professionals are those that create advertisements and commercials. Additionally, advertising companies establish a reputation for their originality. Maybe the reason why the idea of creativity is receiving so much attention is because many people consider the particular task assigned to those who create an advertisement to be innovative.
  2. Their responsibility is to transform all of the data pertaining to the qualities and advantages of the product, marketing strategies, consumer research, and communication goals into an original idea that will make the advertising message come to life. This raises the question: What does advertising creativity mean?
  3. In general, creativity is described in terms of aesthetics:
  4. Imagination, or the ability to combine two or more things to establish a new unity or purpose, is the source of new, beneficial ideas. All definitions, however, exclude the application of creativity or its constructive role as it relates to advertising.
  5. A person shapes his surroundings, which influences the level and style of his creativity. What emerges is intended to satisfy objectives and requirements that have been externally established in addition to being an expression of the creator’s inner condition. One area where creativity and problem-solving skills come together is in advertising.
  6. There are differing opinions on what qualities make an advertisement creative. Those who contend that an advertisement is only innovative if it succeeds in selling a product are at one extreme. The effect a campaign or advertising message has on sales is more important than its creativity or accolades.
  7. On the other end of the spectrum are those who assess an advertisement’s creativity based on its uniqueness and artistic or aesthetic merit. They assert that impactful advertisements may cut through the cacophony of competition, capture consumers’ attention, and have some effect.
  8. The middle ground between the two extremes is most likely where innovation in advertising lies. An advertisement often has to be original and engaging in order to cut through the noise and leave an impact on the intended audience. Empirical studies have shown that a commercial’s “likability,” or the overall response from viewers, is a key factor in determining whether or not it will be effective in altering brand preferences.
  9. Positive sensations that are associated with the product or service being marketed may be produced by well-designed and executed print and television advertisements that elicit strong emotional reactions. Many creatives think that this kind of advertising can only be produced if they are allowed a great deal of freedom in crafting their messaging.
  10. However, advertisements that are inventive only for the sake of being inventive sometimes fall short of conveying a message that is relevant or significant enough to persuade viewers to buy a product or service.
  11. The need of striking a balance between the novelty/uniqueness and impact stance and the “it’s not creative unless it sells” viewpoint must be understood by all parties involved in the planning and development of an advertising campaign.
  12. Account executives, product managers, and marketing managers need to understand that giving the creative team too many sales and marketing-oriented communication objectives will lead to bad advertising, which is often useless in the competitive, congested media landscape of today.
  13. Simultaneously, the creative experts need to understand that the purpose of advertising is to help the client sell the commodity or service, and effective advertising should communicate in a way that facilitates this process.
  14. The capacity to come up with original, suitable, and novel ideas that may be used to solve communication-related issues is known as advertising creativity. A creative concept has to be relevant to the intended audience in order to be suitable and successful.
  15. Many advertising firms understand how important it is to create unique, creative ads that provide pertinent information to the intended audience. The firm defines a creative advertising message as one that uses outstanding design and execution to convey information that appeals to the target audience, all around a creative core or power concept.
  16. Creativity in advertising is not limited to those working in the creative department of advertising. Because of the nature of business, everyone engaged in the promotional planning process has to use their imagination.
  17. People working for the agency, like account executives, media planners, researchers, and attorneys, as well as people working for the client, like marketing and brand managers, need to come up with innovative solutions for issues that arise during the planning, creation, and implementation of advertising campaigns.
  18. Advertising Evaluation of Creative Strategies:
  19. The final shape of an advertisement is determined by the planning, creative strategy, and execution of the advertising campaign.
  20. There are differences based on the medium that is used.
  21. The overall marketing and advertising objectives serve as the foundation for the formulation of an advertising message.
  22. Determining the advertising budget establishes boundaries that allow the message to be tailored appropriately.
  23. The buy preposition contains the seeds of an advertising message.
  24. The effectiveness of the advertisement, as determined by the audience’s reaction, mostly relies on what the marketer can provide in terms of product attributes and quality, but also on how well-suited those attributes are to the needs and psychological makeup of the target audience.
  25. The AIDA line should be used to organise the whole text..